Page 25 - 2023 April FOCUS Magazine
P. 25                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        someone who lost a loved one,        the awards from the Mid-Michigan      DISTINCTIONS
        putting together a gift basket       Creative Alliance, the local chapter of
        for a patient who had surgery, or    the American Advertising Federation.
        spending holidays on the unit,       The projects earning silver awards
        Wilson is always the first to step up   are a branded logo for the First
        to offer a helping hand.             Thursdays Art Tour in Marquette,
                                             and a multimedia campaign titled
                                             "Your Shot" for the Ingham County
                                             Health Department focused on
                                             vaccine uptakes, especially among
                                             marginalized populations.             MSUFCU presents a check for $50,000 at
                                                                                   the PBS KIDS Day with WKAR celebration
                                             LAFCU has won four national awards    on Jan. 28, 2023. April Clobes and Susi
                                             in the 20th Annual Service Industry   Elkins of MSUFCU (back row left and
                                             Advertising Awards competition, with   right) and Shawn Turner and Julie Sochay
                                                                                   of WKAR (back row center and front
                                             three entries receiving top honors in   row right) pose with just a few of the
                                             their respective categories. A public   hundreds of children attending the event.
                                             relations campaign promoting          Credit: Emily Dickerson/WKAR-MSU
                                             the credit union's comprehensive
                                             personal finance course, an internal   WKAR Public Media was awarded
        Edge Partnerships, a strategic public   communications campaign            $50,000 from Michigan State
        relations, marketing, and advertising   promoting diversity, equity, and   University Federal Credit Union to
        firm, recently won two local         inclusion, and the 12-week Shields Up!   support the station's community-wide
        advertising awards for campaigns     Campaign, which educated LAFCU        educational initiatives. The donation
        with the Ingham County Health        employees about the dangers of        was presented at WKAR's annual
        Department and First Thursdays Art   cyber threats, were recognized with   PBS KIDS Day event on Jan. 28, 2023,
        Tour in Marquette. Edge received     Gold Award distinctions.              where hundreds of families gathered

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