Page 29 - 2023 April FOCUS Magazine
P. 29                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        Cares now includes: Carol Conn,      motorcoaches in Michigan, launched    for saving retired MSU Coach Mike
        retired founder, Capital Fundraising   the new national bus-ticketing      Garland's life. Garland left Michigan
        Associations; Rita Proctor Canady,   system developed by Transcor Data     State's basketball program last June
        retired director of administration,   Services (TDS). Called the Multi-Modal   after 22 seasons as Tom Izzo's assistant
        Michigan Agency for Energy;          Cloud Platform, or MMC for short,     coach. On Aug. 27, 2022, Garland's
        Dorothy E. Maxwell, president/       the TDS system enables Indian Trails   heart stopped. He was running some
        CEO, Max Weinger Group, and          to expand connections with almost     errands with his wife when his car
        Larry Rawsthorne, M.D., retired      80 independent interlining bus        left the road and hit a tree. His wife
        physician and Sparrow Health System   companies nationwide. Interlining    immediately got out of the car, called
        Chief Medical Officer. Joining the   gives travelers the ability to buy one   911, and flagged down two people
        board of Sparrow Clinical Research   ticket online or from an agent for a   who performed CPR until EMS
        Institute is Mohammed Qintar, M.D.,   trip that includes two or more carriers   arrived. Once EMS was on the scene,
        interventional cardiologist, Sparrow   in the national transportation network.   they transferred Garland to McLaren
        Health System.                                                             Greater Lansing for what would be a
                                                                                   long road to recovery and a second
        COMPANY NEWS                                                               chance at life.

                                                                                   New Hope Community Center
                                                                                   held a Homeless No More event on
                                                                                   Thursday, Mar. 2, to support New
                                                                                   Hope's efforts to provide emergency
                                                                                   shelter, nourishment, and resources
                                             McLaren Greater Lansing staff and     to families, children, and veterans. The
                                             ten other first responders, 911 dispatch   New Hope Community Center is the
                                             workers, and good Samaritans were     only low-barrier shelter in Ingham
                                             honored on Tuesday, Feb. 7, at the    County, and Holy Cross Services is one
        Indian Trails, Inc., which operates   Michigan State University men's      of the largest child welfare providers in
        one of the largest fleets of deluxe   basketball game against Maryland     the state of Michigan. The community

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