Page 28 - 2023 April FOCUS Magazine
P. 28

                                                                                      A Leadership
        BOARDS OF DIRECTORS                  Before joining the BWL, Woodley            Book with a
                                             worked as a sociology professor
        A host of community leaders have     at Eastern Illinois University (EIU),   TWIS T
        also joined the board of the Sparrow   including the last two years as the
        Foundation. New members include      chair of the Department of Sociology,
        Colin Cronin, vice president and co-  Anthropology & Criminology.
        owner, DTN Management Company;
        Patrick Dean, vice president of
        business development, Dean
        Transportation; Price Dobernick,
        business manager and financial
        secretary, United Association of
        Plumbers and Pipefitters, Local
        333; Deb Ginsburg, past president,
        Sparrow Women's Board of Managers;
        and Amy Scoby, senior vice
        president of Marketing and Business   Gilmore          Wilcox
        Development, The Christman
        Company.                             Ele's Place Capital Region is pleased
                                             to announce the appointment of
                                             Mike Gilmore, president and CEO of    Author: Ross Woodstock
                                             The 4100 Group, as board chair of the      Executive Coach and
                                             Ele's Place Capital Region Community      Leadership Consultant
                                             Board. Luke Wilcox, D.O., Sparrow
                                             Health System, has accepted the              Available on Amazon
                                             role of vice chair. Ele's Place provides
                                             weekly, free, peer-to-peer grief
                                             support groups for children, teens,
        The Old Town Commercial              and young adults. They also partner
        Association is pleased to announce   with local middle and high schools to
        the election of its new board of     hold grief support groups on school
        directors at its annual meeting on Feb.   campuses.
        7, 2023. Lynn Ross of Mother & Earth
        Baby and Toy Boutique will lead the                    Nicole Noll-
        board of directors. Beth Herendeen                     Williams,
        of Twiggies will support the president                 president and
        in driving the organization's strategic                CEO of the
        initiatives. The board's other officers                Capital Region
        include Samantha Benson of Gillespie                   International
        Group as secretary, Daniel Rials                       Airport, has been
        of the Lansing Regional Chamber                        appointed to
        of Commerce as treasurer, Grace                        the U.S. Policy
        Braatz-Opper of Modern Woodmen       Noll-Williams     Council by the
        of America in Old Town as at-large,                    Airports Council
        Lillian Werbin of Elderly Instruments,   International – North America. ACI-
        Jacob Horner of PK Companies,        NA is the voice of North American
        Katheren Palmer of Loyalty           airports, representing local, regional,
        Barbershop, Chad Jordan of Cravings   and state governing bodies that own
        Popcorn, and Amanda Hadley of Full   and operate commercial airports in
        Circle Financial Planning.           the United States and Canada.

        Junior Achievement of Mid-Michigan   Sparrow Specialty Hospital's board
        welcomes Vernon Woodley, Ph.D.,      has added: Lindsay Peters, senior
        CHRS, to its Board of Directors. Vernon   director, field engagement, Michigan
        is the diversity, equity, and inclusion   Health and Hospital Association, and
        specialist at the Lansing Board of   Jennifer Pope, senior neuroscience
        Water & Light (BWL) and has a Ph.D. in   specialist, Janssen Pharmaceuticals,
        sociology from the University of Iowa.   Inc. The board of Sparrow Community

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