Page 26 - 2023 April FOCUS Magazine
P. 26
to participate in educational activities branch. Reeves was awarded $1,936, to sticky notes and is available
hosted by partners from communities an homage to the credit union's throughout Meijer supercenters
throughout mid-Michigan. founding in 1936. He plans to donate across the Midwest.
the money to Flight Angels, an
Dickinson Wright is pleased to organization based in Puerto Rico PROMOTIONS
announce that Kester So has that takes in abandoned animals,
been named to “Michigan Lawyers rehabilitates them, and then Extend Your
Weekly”'s 2023 Hall of Fame, which relocates them to the mainland. Reach is pleased
recognizes Michigan legal leaders to announce
over the age of 60 or who have that Maranda
practiced for 30 years or more for Branum has
their successful careers and valuable been appointed
contributions to the community. The marketing and
Class of 2023 Hall of Fame will be digital content
profiled in a special section of the manager.
April 21st issue of "Michigan Lawyers Branum Branum has
Weekly." been with EYR
as an assistant for the past year and
Ben Rathbun, has proven herself ready for this
president of new role. Branum is responsible
The Rathbun for managing all aspects of their
Agency, was marketing efforts and digital
named one of content strategy, including brand
the Insurance awareness, developing mail and
Journal's Top 25 Wanda Drozdzak, client account social media campaigns, and more.
Agents of 2022. manager for Extend Your Reach,
Twenty-five was proudly featured in the Girls
independent Who Print #PrintHERStoryMonth
agents were 2023 spotlight. With her 20-plus
named to the list for having achieved years of print experience, Drozdzak
impressive success in sales and has seen many trends and gained
demonstrated laudable business much knowledge by asking
intelligence and entrepreneurial questions.
skills. They also have shown they
have a passion for what they do and
a commitment to professionalism
and, in many cases, specialization. Maner Costerisan, a leading regional
business consulting and public
PEOPLE NEWS accounting firm headquartered in
Lansing, has promoted seven team
members to senior-level positions,
including: Tyler Baker, CPA, was
promoted to senior manager; Tim
Bograkos was promoted to director
of business development; Jon
Ringlein, CPA, was promoted to
A Sparrow caregiver who wanted to senior manager; Kasey Roth, CPA,
show her daughters that "women was promoted to senior manager
can do cool things" is one of three in the firm's audit department;
Midwesterners to have their art Wes Salisbury, CMA, was also
featured on a special collection of promoted to senior manager;
LAFCU announced Jeffrey Reeves products at Meijer in celebration Monica Terry, CPA, was promoted
of Lansing, a fourth-generation of Women's History Month. Misty to senior manager in the firm's
automobile industry worker and Gunter Russian, who works in audit department; and Bethany
longtime LAFCU member, as the Sparrow's Finance Department, Verble, CPA, CFE, was promoted to
winner of its contest celebrating said she finds it "surreal" that senior manager in the consulting
the newly renovated lobby of its her artwork is now depicted on division of the firm's accounting and
West Lansing headquarters and everything from makeup bags outsourced solutions department.