Page 22 - 2023 April FOCUS Magazine
P. 22

FOCUS ON TALENT                                                             FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  APRIL 2023

        Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce Announces

        New Partnership in Support of ATHENA WIN

        By: Jocelyn Bellhorn, Kolt Communications, Inc.

        Bakken          Batchelor      Clark           Costa           Daman          Horak           Mertz

              he Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce           communities around the country who are exploring this
              (LRCC) is pleased to announce it has entered into   idea but haven’t gone down this path.”
        Ta new partnership under which LRCC will provide
        management support and program services for ATHENA      Leslie Batchelor, chair of ATHENA WIN, prioritizes
        Women’s Interest Network (ATHENA WIN).                  increasing opportunities for women leaders to connect,
                                                                socialize and grow personally and professionally. She
        “We are proud to continue to support and provide        focuses on widely communicating these opportunities
        leadership in advancing the ATHENA legacy which began   in a consistent manner. She assures to follow the eight
        at the Lansing Regional Chamber in 1982,” said Tim      ATHENA principles — live authentically, learn constantly,
        Daman, president and CEO, LRCC. “Our partnership with   build relationships, foster collaboration, advocate fiercely,
        ATHENA WIN should enable that organization to take      act courageously, give back and celebrate.
        the impressive work they have been doing in supporting
        the growth of women leaders in the region to an exciting   LRCC is also pleased to announce that it has created
        new level.”                                             a new position of Talent Development Manager to
                                                                support all of its talent initiatives including ATHENA
        “I think it is an incredible partnership and a smart move by   WIN. Sarah Bakken has been appointed to that position.
        the Lansing Regional Chamber and ATHENA WIN,” said      The Chamber and ATHENA WIN partnership will be
        Traci Costa, president and CEO, ATHENA International. “It   mutually beneficial. ATHENA WIN board members are all
        is going to help both lean into each other’s strengths. The   volunteers, so creating the Talent Development Manager
        Chamber connections will increase exposure for ATHENA   position provides extra support for the organization.
        WIN. The leadership trainings that our international    The Chamber is also recognized for its dedication to
        organization can provide to women in Lansing through    developing women leaders.
        ATHENA WIN will reach a broader audience of women
        leaders throughout the region.”                         Bakken prioritizes realigning and coordinating
                                                                communication. She determines how the information
        ATHENA WIN has developed a track record as a dynamic    is distributed while also restructuring the ATHENA WIN
        group of professional women determined to equip other   website. This goal is to show what the organization is and
        women in mid-Michigan with the tools, information and   how it supports professional women at any level. Bakken
        connections they need to success in their careers.  They   works with subcommittee members for event planning.
        provide education and training services, networking
        oportunities and executive development for professional   “I am able to work with the board of successful and
        women in the region.                                    passionate women leaders in our region,” said Bakken.
                                                               “With having a staff member at the Chamber working with
        ATHENA was originally envisioned in 1982 by Martha      them, I will be playing that key role in maintaining the
        Mertz, an accomplished businessperson who sought to     structure between ATHENA WIN and the Chamber. I can
        offer more for women’s progression. Mertz called the    help provide women in our region with the opportunity to
        LRCC/ATHENA WIN partnership ‘a wonderful innovation’.   connect, learn and grow.”

        “I really love this idea,” said Mertz. “It is something the   Opportunities to come with this partnership include
        Chamber should track by a statistical analysis, because   working with “Emerging Leaders.” According to Batchelor,
        it is something that could be exported to a lot of      these leaders are women in the early stages of their career

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