Page 26 - LRCC October 2022 Focus
P. 26

MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                    FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  OCTOBER 2022

        NEW HIRES                                              based medicine.     firm with a focus on research,
                                                               In addition         evaluation, and strategic planning,
                          Trenton Singer                       to routine          is expanding its expertise in the
                          joins Triterra                       check-ups and       energy and environment practice.
                          as a geologist.                      screening exams,    Joel Howrani Heeres joins PSC as
                          Singer earned a                      he provides         director of climate and sustainability,
                          bachelor's degree                    treatment for       and Colin Seals comes on as director
                          in Geological                        musculoskeletal     of energy.
                          Sciences from                        disorders,
                          Michigan State     McKay             osteopathic                          Dr. Frank Weller
                          University.                          manipulative                         was inaugurated
                          Trenton assists    treatment, substance use disorders,                    as the tenth
                          with the design,   diabetes, and obesity.                                 president of
        installation, implementation, and                                                           Great Lakes
        reporting of vapor mitigation systems                                                       Christian College
        in response to vapor intrusion                                                              (GLCC) on
        complications on contaminated                                                               Saturday, Sept.
        properties.                                                                                 24. The inaugural
                                                                                                    ceremony was
        Sparrow Ionia Hospital is pleased                                                           held in the Doty
        to announce that highly skilled                                            Center on the GLCC campus. Dr.
        Family Medicine physician Dylan                                            Weller, who graduated from GLCC
        McKay, D.O., has joined the medical                                        in 1989, began as the new president
        staff of Sparrow Medical Group       Howrani Heeres    Seals               on June 1. He was previously the
        (SMG) Saranac. Dr. McKay is a                                              senior minister at the South Lansing
        board-certified Family Medicine      Public Sector Consultants (PSC),      Christian Church for 14 years.
        physician who practices evidence-    an objective public policy consulting

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