Page 28 - LRCC October 2022 Focus
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                    FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  OCTOBER 2022

        Best Lawyers in America list include   parent company, Prudential plc, and
        Peter H. Ellsworth, Scott R. Knapp,   became an independent, publicly-
        Peter J. Kulick, James F. Mauro,     listed company on the NYSE. In
        Ryan M. Shannon, Kester K. So,       celebration of this milestone, Jackson's
        and Jeffery V. Stuckey. Nolan J.     CEO Laura Prieskorn was presented
        Moody was recognized on the Best     with an official Lansing Lugnuts
        Lawyers in America "Ones to Watch"   baseball jersey during a pre-game
        list. Dickinson Wright attorneys     ceremony at Jackson Field.
        recognized on the Best Lawyers in
        America 2023 "Lawyer of the Year" list   Peckham has been named as one
        include James F. Mauro and Ryan      of Michigan's Best and Brightest in   vaccinations. The patients have high
        M. Shannon.                          Wellness, a program that recognizes   needle anxiety and Meteyer went out
                                             companies that promote employee       of her way to be at each appointment
        DISTINCTIONS                         wellbeing, worksite health and        to make the boys feel safe and
                                             wellness. Winning companies           comfortable while receiving their
                                             are evaluated on best practices,      COVID shots.
                                             along with health and wellness
                                             benchmarking standards in the         Maner Costerisan, a full-service
                                             industry.                             accounting and advisory firm,
                                                                                   has been recognized as one of
                                                               Origami             the accounting industry's most
                                                               Rehabilitation      prestigious industry information
                                                               would like to       resources. Accounting Today ranked
                                                               recognize Aimee     Maner Costerisan No. 25 among the
                                                               Watzke, physical    top midsize and large firms to work
        Sparrow Carson Hospital is proud                       therapist, for      for nationwide. Maner Costerisan is
        to recognize Tabatha Miller, health                    successfully        a leading firm in the region for the
        unit coordinator and patient care                      completing Pelvic   last two years and "Best Firms to
        tech from Sparrow Carson Surgical                      Health Training.    Work For" nationwide for the seventh
        Services, as its Caregiver of the Quarter   Watzke     Pelvic health       consecutive year.
        for the outstanding compassionate                      addresses pain,
        care she provides to both patients and   weakness, and dysfunction of the   PROMOTIONS
        her colleagues.                      pelvic floor and core muscles. Pelvic
                                             health is a specialty service offered at               Horizon Bank has
        Maner Costerisan, a full-service public   both of Origami's locations in Mason              announced the
        accounting, technology, and business   and Lansing.                                         recent addition of
        consulting firm, has been recognized                                                        Sam Ghannam as
        as one of Crain's Detroit's 2022 Cool   E.W. Sparrow Hospital Pediatric                     the new market
        Places to Work. The prestigious annual   Nurse Practitioner Cindy Meteyer                   president for the
        list ranked Maner No. 13 among       has been recognized with the DAISY                     Lansing Region.
        medium-sized businesses statewide    Award for going above and beyond                       He is located at
        and No. 40 overall.                  to deliver compassionate care to twin                  1600 Abbot Road
                                             10-year-old boys receiving their COVID   Ghannam       in East Lansing.

        September was an exciting month for
        Lansing-based Jackson National Life
        Insurance Company  (Jackson ) and
        its associates, as nearly one year ago
        Jackson was spun off from its former
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