Page 29 - LRCC October 2022 Focus
P. 29                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        Ghannam has nearly 25 years of       with Coldwell Banker Hubbell          for his knowledge, leadership, and
        banking experience, the last 12 years   Briarwood has these announcements:   caring manner, Smith was always the
        as a senior relationship manager in   team member T.J. George has been     first to greet new associates when
        Commercial Banking.                  promoted to agent development         they arrived at the firm. A native of
                                             manager; Wesley Whybrew has been      Lansing, Smith joined the law firm of
        Kate Powers has assumed the          acting as the web development and     the then-named Foster, Campbell,
        role of interim president/CEO of     manager of the team's media presence   Lindemer & McGurrin on June 6, 1962,
        Ele's Place, Inc. Powers joined the   and is promoted to webmaster;        after receiving his undergraduate
        organization in 2014 as the director   Suzanne Hutchings has joined the    degree from Michigan State
        of major & planned gifts for Ele's   team as an agent. Congratulations     University and his Juris Doctorate
        Place headquarters, and from 2015 to   to The Carin Whybrew Project for    from the University of Michigan Law
        2018 served as the senior managing   continued success and growth          School. In 1989, Smith's name was
        director of the Ele's Place Capital   building the Greater Lansing and     added to the masthead, giving the
        Region Branch. In 2018, Powers       surrounding areas.                    firm the name by which it is known
        moved back to headquarters to serve                                        today: Foster Swift Collins & Smith.
        as the chief operating officer/chief   PEOPLE NEWS
        development officer of Ele's Place, Inc.                                                    After an extensive
                                                               After 60 years at                    nationwide
                                                               the firm of Foster                   search, Sparrow
                                                               Swift, firm name                     Health System
                                                               partner Webb A.                      is proud to name
                                                               "Tony" Smith has                     Jared Coleman
                                                               decided to call it                   as the new James
                                                               a career. Smith                      W. Butler III
                                                               officially retired                   Administrative
        The Carin Whybrew Project, a Greater                   from the firm as    Coleman          Fellow, aimed
        Lansing area-based real estate team                    of July 31. Known                    at honoring

                                        secure project

                                          From pre-press/
                                           graphic design
                                            and printing,
                                           to bindery and
                                          mailing — your
                                             project is
                                           in-house and
                                           under control.

                               tel 517.372.0268  |  fax 517.372.4922
                               912 W. Saint Joseph, Lansing, MI 48915

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