Page 27 - LRCC October 2022 Focus
Loomis, Ewert, surgical team with DAISY Awards Thomas R. Meagher, Douglas A.
Parsley, Davis for their compassionate care, Mielock, David R. Russell, Michael
& Gotting P.C. outstanding nursing skills, and always D. Sanders, Scott A. Storey, Deanna
is pleased to putting patients first. Emergency Swisher, and Brent A. Titus. In
announce the Department Nurse Amber Spitzley, addition, Douglas A. Mielock was
addition of BSN, R.N., was named DAISY named the Best Lawyers 2023
Brandon W. Award honoree based on a patient Trusts and Estates "Lawyer of
Waddell to the nomination for her attentiveness and the Year" in Lansing, and Mark J.
firm. Waddell kindness during the patient's long DeLuca was named a Best Lawyers
earned his law stay. Sparrow Ionia Surgical caregivers 2023 "One to Watch."
degree from received a DAISY Team Award after
Thomas M. Cooley Law School and is being nominated by fellow caregivers Downtown Lansing businesses,
licensed in the states of Michigan and for their support, responsiveness, volunteers, and city leaders gathered
Texas. He has been practicing law for and exceptional care. The team is to recognize and celebrate the
nine years and specializes in Business known for helping with critical events, volunteers and businesses that
and Corporate Litigation, General assisting departments in need, and contribute day-in and day-out to
Litigation, and Family Law. providing education assistance, making downtown thrive. Congrats
among other things. to this year's winners, including
Tami Haase Best New Business Award: Capital
joins Triterra as a The law firm of Loomis, Ewert, Hippie and Tatse; Long-Term/
senior industrial Parsley, Davis and Gotting is happy Legacy Business Award: Linn & Owen
hygienist, to announce that the Best Lawyers in Jewelers; Promotion Committee
working as a part America has recognized the following Award: Keri Brown; Design and
of the industrial Loomis attorneys in their practice Public Spaces Award: Valerie Marvin;
hygiene team. areas for 2023: Michael G. Oliva, Business Development Award: Marcus
Haase started Paula K. Manis, James F. Anderton Martin; Organization Committee
her career in 1987 V, Jeffrey S. Theuer, Michael H. Award: Stephanie Van Koevering;
in the industrial Rhodes, James R. Neal, Mikhail Community Partner Award: REO
hygiene field. Murshak, and Jeffrey L. Green. Town's Ryan Wert and Old Town's
She now performs pre-renovation/ Ben Dowd; Downtown Champion
demolition hazardous material For the fifth year in a row, Award: Ryan Holmes; and Volunteer
inspections to identify the presence E.W. Sparrow Hospital and its of the Year: Erin Robinson.
of asbestos, lead, mold, PCBs, and Comprehensive Stroke Center
other hazardous materials. has received the highest level of E.W. Sparrow
recognition for stroke care nationally. Hospital Medical
AWARDS For the second time, the hospital was Chief of Staff
honored for care of Type 2 diabetes LaKeeya Tucker,
patients who have had strokes. The D.O., has been
Stroke Center has been honored recognized with
by the American Heart Association/ the Community
American Stroke Association with Champion Award
the Get with the Guidelines-Stroke by Lansing's
GOLD PLUS achievement award Tucker Eastside
and Target: Stroke Honor Roll Elite Community
Plus for performance during 2021. Action Center for her work in providing
Sparrow's diabetes program has been access to care for underserved
recognized with the AHA/ASA's Get populations. Dr. Tucker reflects the
with the Guidelines Target: Type 2 highly skilled physicians who practice
Diabetes Honor Roll. leading-edge medicine at Sparrow.
Fifteen attorneys from Foster Swift's Dickinson Wright is pleased to
Lansing office were selected by announce that attorneys in Lansing
their peers for inclusion in The Best have been included in the 2023
Lawyers in America 2023: Charles E. editions of Best Lawyers in America,
Barbieri, Scott A. Chernich, Anna Best Lawyers in America "Ones to
K. Gibson, Brian G. Goodenough, Watch," and Best Lawyers in America
Sparrow Ionia Hospital recently Matt G. Herbec, Charles A. Janssen, "Lawyer of the Year." Dickinson
honored a highly skilled nurse and Richard C. Kraus, Scott L. Mandel, Wright attorneys recognized on the