Page 3 - Newsbites March 2021
P. 3

Trading Update

          Private Label Update                                within Ocado, Dunnes, Lidl, Tesco and
                                                              Morrison’s for our existing product range.

          • Successful
          on time and fully
          using the Gazelle
          cycle in 2021.
                                                              • Ensuring we are prepared for new Brexit
                       • Launch of Co-op Honest Value         regulations that are required from 1st April,
                       Custard in January. Initial sales      checking that our suppliers are compliant and
                       are very positive and Nisa have        ready for the new required processes and
                       also listed both Honest Value Rice     that we meet the new process requirements
                       & Custard as part of their range.      of our customers.

                       • Successful Brexit transition         • Pushing our NPD pipeline of vegan products
          on the 31st of December 2020, maintaining           to our customers to move us into some new
          supply routes and supply from Europe to our         emerging categories and provide vegan
          customers through this period and managing          alternatives to our current dairy based offer.
          with support from Group the additional issues
          and procedures we have had to implement
          due to regulatory changes.

                                                              • Moving to the Gazelle monthly reporting
                                                              structure and ensuring this runs smoothly.

                                                              • Drive sales of Farmlea
          • Started supplying ROI customers direct via        into new and existing
          new warehouse (PRL) driving greater profit-         customers with an
          ability to the private label team and offering      attractive promotion price.
          another potential route to Ireland from
          Europe mitigating additional customs and VAT
          charges.                                            Mars Update

                                                              Focus on the impact of NPD and driving a fast
          Areas of Focus                                      start

          • Work to ensure current cost price increases       2021 has got off to a flying start for the Mars
          are delivered across all customers with no          Business Unit we are ahead of budget
          margin erosion and loss of business.                performance across all categories and
                                                              enjoying significant growth yoy.
          • Continue to drive current NPD opportunities
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