Page 5 - Newsbites March 2021
P. 5

The 2021 Growth Plan was developed to drive
                                                              ambition across all key wholesale members,
                                                              PMP playing a key part of the growth for the
                                                              year ahead.  The snacking plan was aligned
                                                              with General Mills and embedded into
                                                              wholesale plans, kick starting activity during
                                                              Unitas’s Virtual Tradeshow with market
                                                              leading deals to really start driving value back
                                                              into a key strategic brand for General Mills.
                                                              With so much exciting NPD we have been able
                                                              to secure listings and features within key
                                                              accounts including new listings for Betty
          General Mills Update                                Crocker in Unitas forming part of their ‘Plan

                                                              for Profit’ Feature on Baking with Betty
          The team have focused on core range across          Crocker featuring as the lead brand. Great win
          all customers, driving opportunities for            in SPAR with c200 new distribution points for
          category partnerships within our key                Haagen Dazs mini pots on managed estate
          members with a big focus on closing any             planogram driven by category rationale and
          gaps in distribution.  We also went live with       ‘Size Of Prize’ sell in opportunities. Yoplait
          the Sugro National Plan for all members to          plans have also developed significantly
          start engaging on a distribution level where        within the wholesale channel within the SPAR
          we have seen fantastic engagement across            business, focusing on the ‘Minimal credible
          some of our key brands, something Sugro             Range’ to really drive distribution across PMP
          members have not previously had access to,          on a strategically key brand for General Mills,
          a true example of how we can strategically          something the Brand Owner felt was key to
          drive & add value. National plans have been         success in driving momentum.
          aligned and embedded across all customers,
          with clear opportunities identified around
          ‘POWER PERIODS’ and how we bring the
          brands to life. Just 3 months into our
          partnership with General Mills, January saw
          us kick start the ‘Healthy Eating’ power
          period, across all Wholesale & Retail
          customers, with Retail club activity secured
          on Green Giant & Nature Valley.  We have
          also identified cross category opportunities
          to optimise in depot/store features such as
          our up and coming activity on Betty Crocker
          and PG Tips ‘Tea & Cake’ activity within key
          wholesale members to drive cross category
          partnerships & link deals and really
          demonstrate the power of the SHS portfolio
          with our portfolio offering.

                                                              Power periods & upcoming activation

                                                              Over the coming months the focus will be
                                                              centred around key power periods on our key
                                                              brands and features will include; Betty
                                                              Crocker, Nature Valley ‘get Outdoors’
                                                              activation, Old El Paso ‘Meet Free Week’
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