Page 4 - Newsbites March 2021
P. 4

Our Mars ice cream range continues to               As you can see it is getting brilliant feature
          outsell the market as people reward                 in B&M stores and this will be sited until May
          themselves during lockdown with ice cream           2021!
          treats. In fact, February 2021 sales for the
          range was bigger than in August 2020 and
          set a record for a winter month selling £2.8m
          pounds worth of ice cream!

                                                              White chocolate and protein with Snickers!

                                                                                    Elsewhere we have
          To help drive this performance the team                                   launched some brand
          developed two bespoke lines for Iceland one                               new white chocolate
          of our biggest frozen customers. Maltesers                                product with great
          Orange and Skittles Wild Berry are two unique                             success online and with
          lines that came from brainstorming with the                               wholesalers.
          Brand Owner and they are delicious!                                       Available in bars and in
                                                                                    protein powder
          The buyer told us that at launch we                 format initial sales are very strong. Current
          accounted for 30% of their total ice cream          orders have passed £270k and we have a
          sales. These two lines are forecast to drive        wholesale forecast of at least £750k in 2021.
          significant sales.

          The launch of two new Protein lines into the        Milk gets more distribution
          discounter channel
                                                              We have been trying to gain
          The very recent launch of a discounter              traction in Iceland for
          specific 10g Protein powder in a 450g format  several years, without
          for under £10 is selling well. They were            success.  However
          developed within 12 weeks from concept to           persistence has paid off
          product – (a Mars Drinks and Treats record!)        and we now have a Mars
          and B&M & TJ Morris have already placed             and Galaxy 400ml listing
          repeat orders helping to drive a great start to     now in store!
          2021. The team are striving for over £880k of
          sales…                                              So new ideas plus a strong customer focus
                                                              has got us off to a fast start in 2021!
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