Page 41 - 2025-26 District Program of Studies FLIP.docx_Neat
P. 41
Prerequisite: 10th-grade students looking to separate themselves from a traditional English and
History pathway.
● Must have 80% or better in Accelerated level or a 90% in College Prep level (ELA and History) and teacher
recommendations from English and History teachers
● Teacher recommendations may overrule academic standing; students coming from CP may be asked to sign a course
American Studies is a course that uses works of literature in a thematic, side-by-side connection with the study
of early American history. Students will participate in a class environment that seeks to merge the literary and
historical past of our nation through a collaborative effort between History and English educators. American
Studies students will seek a broader understanding of freedom in American history: its promises,
complications, exclusions, and the continuing struggle to reconcile these undeniable conflicts.The
English-specific portion of the class will examine significant literature that connects thematically and
philosophically to topics in American History.
ENGLISH II: HONORS Year 5 credits GRADE 10
Prerequisite: Successful completion of 75% or better in English I Honors. Students not
previously enrolled in Honors can request a move up in placement if they have earned a 90%
or better in the Accelerated-level course. Summer reading assignments are required.
This is the second step in a four-year program for highly-talented students. Teacher recommendation,
appropriate achievement in English, and interviews with the English staff will be used to accept applying
students if they have not completed English Honors I.
Extensive composition and formal writing will be required. The literature study will involve the central themes of
United States literature. Supplementary work requires independent acquisition of vocabulary knowledge;
understanding and application of grammatical conventions; and establishment of sound academic habits and
strong study skills. Students will be expected to work diligently to complete course requirements and personally
derived goals. Assignments and projects in the summer and as culminating activities throughout the year are
Prerequisite: Placement in the Accelerated-level course requires that students have
demonstrated proficiency in the English II: Accelerated course, or that the student has earned
an 85% or above in English II: College Prep and has obtained the recommendation of the
current English teacher.
These courses involve students in examining traditional literary forms and in connecting timeless themes in
classic British literature to contemporary writing, both fiction and nonfiction. Curriculum units are organized to
engage students in understanding cultural perspectives on heroism, and in evaluating how authors craft
language to convey argument, produce social commentary, and portray human experiences. Instructional
activities, assignments, and assessments require that students apply critical reading skills in their written and
spoken analysis of complex texts. Students are expected to perform independent research and collaborate
with peers. Requirements include summer reading, a research paper, and independent reading
throughout the school year.
Black Horse Pike Regional Program of Studies 41