Page 42 - 2025-26 District Program of Studies FLIP.docx_Neat
P. 42
Prerequisite: 11th-grade students looking to separate themselves from a traditional English and
History pathway.
● Must have 80% or better in Studies or Accelerated level or a 90% in College Prep level (ELA and History) and
teacher recommendations from English and History teachers.
● Teacher recommendations may overrule academic standing; students coming from CP may be asked to sign a course
waiver. Preference will be given to those who successfully completed American Studies.
The second year of the “Studies” program is the equivalent of five credits of English III Accelerated. This
course will be taught cooperatively by one English teacher and one Social Studies teacher to provide
integrated study. Through an integrated, thematic approach using American and British literature, art, music,
and philosophy, students will examine 20th-century U.S. history. The English-specific portion will examine
topics such as human nature, tolerance, empathy, social responsibility and justice, revolution, and fate and free
will, making connections to their American history studies. Requirements include summer reading, a
research paper, and independent reading throughout the year.
LANGUAGE & COMPOSITION (Jr.) Year 5 credits GRADE 11
*Dual Credit Opportunity*
Prerequisite: Successful completion of 75% or better in English II Honors. Students not
previously enrolled in Honors can request a move up in placement if they have earned a 90%
or better in an Accelerated-level course. Summer reading assignments are required.
Students who achieve an A or B average in this course will have the opportunity to earn 3
college credits from Camden County College.
This course prepares students to take the AP Language & Composition exam in May, and is a dual
credit course with Camden County College to earn credit for Composition 101. As a result, the class
focuses on a study of rhetoric to develop core writing skills of summary, research, argument, analysis
and synthesis. Students will read and analyze mostly non-fiction writing in various genres, primarily
20th century but including key pre-20th century texts. Students will also read a limited number of
classic and contemporary fiction texts including Shakespeare and literary fiction of their choice.
Students will work cooperatively and independently to practice skills of argument, analysis and
synthesis in reading and writing through Socratic seminar, independent reading, journaling, essay
writing and revising. Revision activities and writing conferences focus on grammatical convention to
enhance clarity and achieve rhetorical purpose. Requirements include summer reading, a research
project, & independent reading throughout the school year.
Prerequisite: Placement in the Accelerated-level course requires demonstration of proficiency
in the English III: Accelerated course
Student has earned an 85% or above in English III: College Prep and has obtained the
recommendation of the current English teacher.
These courses involve students in examining global perspectives through the study of World literature.
Curriculum units engage students in making connections between early and contemporary mythology;
analyzing impact of literary and rhetorical devices; conducting inquiry-based research; and evaluating global
conflicts through a variety of genres. Instructional activities, assignments, and assessments require that
students apply critical reading skills in their written and spoken analysis of complex texts. Students are
expected to perform independent research and collaborate with peers. Requirements include summer
reading, a research project, & independent reading throughout the school year.
Black Horse Pike Regional Program of Studies 42