Page 69 - 2025-26 District Program of Studies FLIP.docx_Neat
P. 69
CHEMISTRY College Prep Year 5 credits GRADES 11-12
Prerequisites: Completion of Physics A or CP and Biology CP
Introductory course designed to explore the core concepts of chemistry.
Introductory course designed to explore the core concepts of chemistry. This course will focus on the
qualitative aspects of matter with some critical quantitative topics. These topics include atomic and molecular
structure, physical and chemical change, states of matter, chemical bonding, and reactions.
ACCELERATED Year 6 credits GRADES 10-12
Science: 75% or better in Freshmen Physics Honors or Accelerated
90% or better in Freshmen Physics CP
Math: Concurrent Enrollment or completion with a 75% or higher in Geometry
Accelerated or Geometry Honors
The aim of this course is to provide the student an opportunity to develop an understanding of the
basic concepts and principles of chemistry. This course emphasizes such principles as atomic
structure, chemical bonding, chemical energy, equilibrium, and the mole concept. Considerable time
is spent on quantitative concepts in chemistry and, therefore, a facility with basic math principles such
as graphing, proportions and the use of exponents is desirable. Whenever possible the student is
asked to draw conclusions based on observations made during demonstrations or experiments.
HONORS Year 6 credits GRADES 10-12
Prerequisite: 75% or better in Freshman Physics Honors and Geometry Honors, or a grade of 90% or
better in Freshman Physics A and Geometry A. Concurrent enrollment in Algebra II Honors or Algebra
II Accelerated.
The Laboratory Chemistry Honors course covers essentially the same content areas as the regular Laboratory
Chemistry courses described above. However, due to the nature of the students enrolled in this course, it is
expected to be much more demanding in terms of the depth and breadth of material studied than either of the
first two courses.
This course will involve a comprehensive study of fundamental chemical concepts. Students will be asked to
collect and interpret data and observations, and to communicate their findings accurately and concisely. The
student will develop a working knowledge of the quantitative aspect of everyday experiences. To further
develop the students’ ability to work independently, students will occasionally work individually on projects.
Black Horse Pike Regional Program of Studies 69