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Lab Science Students: Scheduling Options:
FOR LAB SCIENCE Year 4 credits GRADES 9-12
Design & Tech 1 Lab Sci, is available to all students who are currently enrolled in a lab science class. This is a
fundamental course that introduces the study of engineering and design through project based learning.
Students will utilize design principles, computer aided drafting & design applications as well as hands-on
projects in an exciting and interesting classroom environment. The lessons and skills acquired in this class will
prepare the student for Design & Tech 2.
FOR LAB SCIENCE Year 4 credits GRADES 10-12
Design & Tech 2 Lab Sci, is available to all students who are currently enrolled in a lab science class and
completed Design & Tech 1. This course will provide a creative learning environment for students while
developing their knowledge and awareness of our advancing technological society. Students will be engaged in
class projects that build upon the design principles learned in D&T I as they plan, build, and test solutions to
challenging projects. Classroom competitions are used to motivate and encourage students to achieve higher
goals during the learning process. Design & Tech II focus areas include (but are not limited to): structural
design, energy, problem solving, aerodynamics, and flight. D&T II students will continue to build upon their
knowledge and experience in using cutting-edge computer-aided drafting and solid modeling
programs/applications for design purposes.
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