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The Social Studies offerings in the BHPRSD include 3 years of study required for graduation (World
History/Cultures, US History I, and US History II) as well as electives. All of these courses are
designed to prepare a student for higher education and professional careers.
A.P. and Honors courses are designed for students with mature study and communications skills.
These are students who are self-directed and demonstrate a desire to excel and a true interest in
History. Students who qualify for A.P. or Honors courses have decided to pursue a rigorous
academic program simulating a college experience. A college-level textbook is used in these
courses. Students need to be able to take sophisticated reading notes from this text book while
working independently. To maintain placement in the A.P. or Honors levels, students are expected to
maintain at least a 75% average and to receive a teacher recommendation. Accelerated students
who attain at least a 90% average and who earn a recommendation from their teachers may apply to
take A.P. or Honors levels the following year. Summer reading and sophisticated research projects
are assigned.
Accelerated courses are designed for students who possess above average knowledge of study
and communications skills. These are students who are expected to handle independent work and
research in a mature, scholarly manner, under the direction of the teacher. Learning methods will
include film, writing, exploration of primary documents, and the development of college prep skills.
Timed essays will be a part of testing. In accelerated classes a greater emphasis is placed on
outside reading, research, projects, and student responsibility. A high-school level textbook is used in
these courses.
College preparatory courses are designed for students who are developing their study and
communication skills in preparation for SAT testing and higher education. A high-school level
textbook is used in these courses. Students who attain at least a 90% average may take the
accelerated level the following year.
To receive credit for any level of the required Social Studies courses, students must complete all
required major research assignments, papers, and/or projects. The student who does not meet
proficiency goals in this manner will not advance to the next grade level of the history course.
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