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        These courses are designed to give freshman students an opportunity to explore the world from many different
        viewpoints. The courses will trace the selected cultures in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres from
        the Golden Age of Expansion through the periods of Revolution, Imperialism, into the Twentieth Century. The
        role of geography, economics, technology, and history will be considered in current events.

        WORLD HISTORY/CULTURES HONORS                   Year          5 credits      GRADE 9
        Prerequisite: Students will be recommended to this course based upon a rigorous
        selection process involving a review of standardized test scores and achievement in Social
        Studies courses. Recommended concurrent enrollment in English I Honors.

        ACCELERATED                    Year                5 credits          GRADE 9
        Prerequisite: Recommended concurrent enrollment in English I Accelerated.

        COLLEGE PREP                 Year                  5 credits              GRADE 9
        Prerequisite: Recommended concurrent enrollment in English I CP or administrative approval
        for upper class transfer students. Upon successful completion of this course, students may
        apply to enter the Accelerated level of US History I.
        (See the forward entitled, “Social Studies Offerings”.)


        These courses include a study of American History from the colonial period to America’s emergence as a world
        power at the turn of the 20 century. The program includes a survey of significant geographic, economic,
        political, and social events as well as general trends and forces evident in our history. Special emphasis is
        placed on the study of civics (the Constitution and growth of democracy, on the structure of the U.S.
        government, and on the responsibilities of an active citizen.) Included is an on-going chronological study of our
        nation’s cultural diversity. Students will develop a respect for the racial, ethnic, and religious differences that
        have contributed to the development of the American Society.

        US HISTORY I HONORS                                Year          5 credits                 GRADE 10
        Prerequisite: Successful completion of 75% or better in World History/Cultures Honors.
        Students not previously enrolled in Honors can request a move up in placement if they have
        earned a 90% or better in the Accelerated-level course. Summer reading assignments
        are required.

        Learning methods will include summer reading assignments, extensive writing, exploration and analysis of
        primary documents, historiography, and an introduction to Advanced Placement style test questions.         A
        college-level text book is used in this course.

        US HISTORY I ACCELERATED                           Year            5 Credits               GRADE 10
        Prerequisite: Successful completion of World History/Cultures Accelerated.

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