Page 83 - 2025-26 District Program of Studies FLIP.docx_Neat
P. 83
Grades: 11-12 Full Year 5 Credits
Prerequisites: 2 years of JROTC with “C“ or greater average (including Science of Flight),
Senior Instructor Recommendation
This course is the foundation for students interested in receiving a private pilot’s license. The material
covered is an advanced, more in-depth study of aerospace topics. The intent of the program is to
provide AFJROTC an academically challenging course for top achievers in the AFJROTC program.
Entry into ground school should be earned by high achievement in other AFJROTC courses and
involvement in the cadet corps. The course
receives “honors'' credit. The student must have written approval from the SASI/ASI prior to
registering and must be a junior or senior honor student who has demonstrated potential and
aptitude; in addition, the student must have successfully completed a minimum of 2 years of
AFJROTC coursework (to include AS 200: The Science of Flight: A Gateway to New Horizons) and
maintained a grade of C or better. The Private Pilot Manual is the primary source for initial study and
review. The text contains complete and concise explanations of the fundamental concepts and ideas
that every private pilot needs to know. The subjects are organized in a logical manner to build upon
previously introduced topics.
The course objectives are:
1. Comprehend the fundamentals of flight.
2. Comprehend flight operations.
3. Comprehend the atmosphere and its effect on aircraft operations.
4. Comprehend the basics of navigation using charts and radio aids.
5. Apply the principles of aeronautical decision-making and flight-related physiological factors.
AFJROTC AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (must be an enrolled cadet)
Drill Team: Various small teams practice military drill maneuvers and compete statewide against other high
schools. Includes a physical fitness team and academic presentation team.
CyberPatriot: The nation’s premier youth cybersecurity competition sponsored by the Air and Space Forces
Association in conjunction with leading companies in the IT industry. Team members train on who to secure
networks and reduce computer threats. Competitions occur multiple times per year on-line against hundreds
of teams across the country.
JLAB: JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl sponsored by the College Options Foundation. Cadets
practice for and compete in a nationwide academic competition focused on SAT type knowledge as well as
JROTC first year curriculum and current events.
Raider Team: Cadets train in physical fitness, obstacle course, casualty evacuation, ruck marching, rope
bridging, and military vehicle pull. Fall & Spring competitions occur against schools in the tri-state area.
Drone Team: Cadets learn to safely operate remote controlled aircraft.
AFJROTC Honor Society: AFJROTC maintains a Kitty Hawk Air Society (KHAS) Chapter at Highland HS.
KHAS membership is offered to select members of the cadet corps with high academic and community service
records. Members complete service projects and tutor fellow students as a service to the school community.
Grades: 9-11 7 to 14 days (NO SCHOOL CREDITS AWARDED)
Prerequisites: Complete one year of AFJROTC instruction with a passing grade
Open only to students enrolled in Aerospace Science for the next academic year. Intensive leadership training
program conducted off campus at a local military installation for a period of two weeks. Extensive leadership
academic training will prepare the student to assume an increased role in the leadership of the cadet group
upon return to school. Summer encampment includes obstacle, confidence, and leadership reaction training
courses designed to focus the student on his/her abilities and limitations. Cost is borne by the individual
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