Page 5 - Victoria Dock Proposal
P. 5

2.2 Site Inspection Observations
During our site visit the following areas were noted as requiring attention, either from direct observations or from our client brief.
 Overall the general condition and appearance of the development was to a respectable condition and the internal core areas were in good order.
 The external building is showing signs of age and weather damage which would need to be further inspected and a long-term maintenance plan established.
 We noticed several balconies were having work undertaken which looked to be associated to  ooring, due to the sca olding and lifting equipment that was present. We would require further clari cation on the nature of the works being undertaken and responsibility.
 A light had been de-commissioned on entrance to the vehicle gate as the  tting had been removed, this would need to be replaced and repaired.
 Service charge collections to be reviewed and collected in accordance with the lease.
 Shared areas of responsibility within the complex between Victoria Dock and with the commercial estate to be
established and de ned.
 Areas of security appear compromised with the free  ow of pedestrians via the unlocked pedestrian gate. Responsibility and agreements for this area of demise would need to be established and reviewed.
 Mainstay Management Proposal: Victoria Dock on behalf of Homeground and Doc Fictoria Residents’ Association (DFRA).

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