Page 22 - PegasusLife and Renaissance Retirement Proposal
P. 22

Questionnaire Response
e e e e e e e Please provide 5 years of incident accident and near miss statistics Please enclose a a a a copy of your Company’s H&S policy and Org Chart
Staff Profile
3 1 How many staff are currently employed within your organization?
We currently employ 730 staff 3 2 Please describe your staff structures including details of staff numbers within each team/department Mobilisation 8
Property Management
Sales Marketing & Communications
Service Charge
Technical & Surveying
Tenant/BTR 15
Incidents Accidents Near misses
280 289 69
189 7 23 7 See Appendix M - Health & Safety Policy and Appendix A A - Mainstay Group and Residential Structure
f f Who has executive responsibility for H&S within your organisation?
Luke Sanders
Group Managing Director
g Who has day day to day day responsibility for H&S and what are their qualifications?
Rachel Dobson
Head of Health & Safety Safety and Fire Safety Safety NEBOSH FPA/CFPA
Asset Management
Commercial 9 CoSec 5 Credit Control 21 Executive 8
3 3 3 3 are currently either MIRPM or or MRICS? (note for the the purposes of this tender Property Managers are individuals who have direct responsibility for the management of of a a a a leasehold portfolio of of properties including line management of site staff) MIRPM 31% RICS 0%
What proportion of your property managers
Facilities Management
Group Finance/PL etc H&S / Compliance 8
Human Resources 7 IT 5 362 18 22

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