Page 4 - The Malvernian - March 2022
P. 4

Wheeler-Bennett Society
Communism v Capitalism
The last week of of term saw the the final meeting of of the the Wheeler-Bennett Society
from the the Upper Sixth Leopold-Maria Baur gave the the Presidential address with a a a a a a talk entitled ‘Communism v Capitalism: The Cold Cold War’ He examined the the origins of the the Cold Cold War War looking at the the the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam together with the the the Cuban Missile Crisis He then explained how the the two ideologies had given rise to the Iron Curtain in in Eastern Europe In a a a a a a lively debate afterwards he he responded well to a a a a variety of searching questions from the audience This was a a a a a a fitting way to end a a a a a a good year for the Society
We have had an an excellent range of topics covered in the the talks given by the the pupils and I am very grateful not only to all those who have spoken but to the the the work of the the the committee members who have enabled the the the talks to to take place They leave a a a a a a a legacy which will be hard to to follow Reverend David Ibbotson | Chaplain

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