Page 7 - The White House Apartments
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M & E maintenance contract specifications will be prepared by our engineering and procurement specialists, after which they will consider tenders, appoint a suitable contractor, oversee the implementation, and supervise the contract.
Major Works (including cyclical repairs/replacement)
We have vast experience in the management of major and cyclical works and of current requirements under Section 20 of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1985. As part of our integrated approach to the procurement and management of major works, they are reviewed, specified, tendered and delivered by a central team of experts.
In the event of works being required, the team will undertake a full review of what is needed, drawing on in-house engineering and surveying expertise as required and, where necessary, will utilise external expertise. In partnership with the Board, an agreed specification of work will be drawn up in readiness
for tendering.
Once tenders have been received from contractors that have met specified procurement criteria, we will analyse the details and prepare a written report and recommendations for the Board to consider.
Adopting this approach will enable the Building Manager to maintain focus on the day-to-day operation of The Whitehouse Apartments and continuing to provide exemplary service to its residents.
During the pre-commencement phase, the appointed Surveyor, where appropriate, will undertake the duties of a principal designer in accordance with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 and will be responsible for the following:
Arranging and chairing pre-contract meetings with
the recommended contractor to discuss programme procurement and site organisation, arranging for the commencement of works and advising the Board of the contractor’s procedures.
Preparation of contract documents and arranging for signature by both parties.
Regularly visiting the site to monitor the progress and evaluate the quality of the work to ensure compliance with specification and drawings.
Advising the Board in relation to variations to the specification including cost and programme implications.
Liaising with the Board at all times during the works.
Administering the terms of the building contract.
Issuing contract instructions as necessary, measuring works and agreeing both interim applications for payment and the final account with the contractor.
Advising the Board regarding progress and liaising with regard to practical completion of the works.
Throughout the contract phase, the Project Management team will liaise with the Building Manager who will be invited to inspect the works and, when advised, sign off the works as complete. Following practical completion, the Surveyor will carry out a final inspection at the end of the defect liability period and arrange for any further work to be carried out.
A final report will be produced detailing the work undertaken, variations made to the specification (omissions and additions), and the project’s final costs. The report will be made available to leaseholders if requested and will be displayed on the development’s web portal for easy access.
We maintain regular communication with lessees and the client throughout the consultation process for major works (Under Section 20) and take instruction where necessary from the client.