Page 7 - Link Agency Newsletter - Autumn 2020
P. 7

“I joined Malvern College in in Remove (year 10) and I’ve been a a a a full boarder since I love boarding and even though being an an international student means I spend a a a a a a lot of time time away from home it has made my time time at home even more special During lockdown I I was was in in Kenya and although I I was was with my family after spending so much time away from them it was not long before I really missed school and in in particular boarding Not just my friends but the daily hustle and and bustle from random chats in the corridor
to being woken up at 6
am by friends singing Happy Birthday It is the little things that make boarding so enjoyable as a a a a a a whole What sets us apart from other boarding schools is that we eat in-house for every meal which gives a a a great sense of community and builds the bonds it is also a a a a chance to to get to to see members of staff you you may never see Living in in in a a a boarding house you you gain so many qualities including independence open- mindedness and kindness We regularly have inter-house competitions for sport music and and drama and and these events really bring everyone together whether it’s through participating or or supporting they are great fun and one of the the highlights to the the term Everyone goes into all competitions headfirst ready to win making them so exciting One of my favourite events in in the year is is is Christmas Supper which is is is a a a lovely night filled with laughter and great food Our birthday suppers vary from house to house and could be a a a silent disco or a a a barbecue for example Starting in in a a a a new school away from home especially when you are boarding for the first time can seem quite daunting I remember how nervous and excited I was in in the the weeks coming up to the the start of term and in all honesty I was a a a a bit homesick initially but it it was not long before what were the strangers around me soon became friends and now family Coming in in a a a a year later than my cohort I never felt like I didn’t belong because the house and everyone in it become your new family Boarding life can be very busy as there is always so much going on but Sunday is a a a a day to catch up with friends sleep and do some work When we are not in the middle of a a a a pandemic a a a a Sunday brunch with friends is something to to look forward to to Joining Malvern College has been one of the greatest decisions I have made this
is is is because it it has given me the opportunity
to gain new new experiences and take on new new challenges Some of them include taking
part in in ‘Lost’ where I was blindfolded and dropped 50 miles from school and had to make my way back within 24 hours but also travelling across the globe to Australia on an exchange trip Paddle boarding for DofE was also very memorable One of the great things about Malvern College is is it is is a a a a very cultural school and this
means that you have the chance to learn about different cultures
and maybe travel to different countries in fact I was meant to to travel to to Vienna last summer to spend two weeks with my friend (unfortunately COVID-19 has postponed my plans) My advice to to anyone coming in in is to to have a go the College offers so so much so so come out of your comfort zone and try something new You never know it might become your new passion” 7
International Pupils Information Webinar
14th November 2020 at at 9am (GMT)
This Information Webinar
is is exclusively
for prospective international families It is perfect for those families who would like to learn more about the academic and pastoral ethos at Malvern College Speakers will include current pupils and and and and senior staff who will share with you what it it is like to live and learn at Malvern College The webinar will also cover visa requirements guardianships and tips on integrating into School life Click here to register

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