Page 6 - The Malvernian - December 2022
P. 6

Launch of Scholars Journal: SAPIENS 2022
The inaugural edition of ‘SAPIENS’ (the new Malvern College academic scholars’ journal) was ‘launched’ at a a a a a a a a a special event in the Lyall Foyer on Thursday 8 December All current academic scholars and various academic staff came along to ‘cut the ribbon’ and and discover the the various contributions by pupils and and to find out the the previously secret journal’s title which is derived from the College motto (Sapiens Qui Prospicit: wise the one who looks ahead) The aim of this new annual journal is is to give our our pupils a a a a a further opportunity to to to ‘fly’ to to to pursue areas of of enquiry of of interest to to to them and and and to test themselves and and and their ideas beyond the the the classroom and and and the formal curriculum Sapiens 2022
is is a a a a a a a tantalising taste of what does interest challenge and and excite our scholars and and as suggested by the different sections of the publication readers can expect to be entertained transported informed extended and even challenged The full online digital edition can be found here The work now begins on on preparing for the 2023 edition Dr Bradley Wells | Head of Academic Scholarship
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