Page 14 - The Ant Story
P. 14

The Ant Story
me to see something in my own life, Ant! You see, I have been studying the history of civilization, the history of the Church, the history of the various world religions, and other related topics over the last several months, and I have been feeling extremely overwhelmed of late! My brain gets tired, and I feel like my mind is going to explode because of all the information that I am trying to take in, catalogue and retain. I feel that I am a way in over my head and that I’m very unknowledgeable. It’s like that old saying: ‘The more you know, the more you know that you don’t know.’ I’ve been feeling very small and ignorant in the enormous ocean of knowledge and information.
“But what I’m beginning to see is that I’m slowly gaining a perspective of humanity and the world. Instead of having a superficial and temporal view, which creates a limited and narrow viewpoint, I’m developing a wider scope of understanding of humanity. I see that what people are today is a result of generations and centuries of change, assimilation, and inheritance.
"This is why I believe that the Holy Spirit has been teaching me about the history of humanity, because it is giving me a perspective of the world and the many kinds of people that inhabit it. This perspective has helped me to develop an understanding; this understanding is helping me to develop a sincere love for people of all races, religions, and cultures.
“It’s hard to explain, but I’ve been undergoing a change in my heart concerning people; I’m developing a love for people as God’s created beings Whom He dearly loves and wants to be reconciled with. Yes, Ant, this love is developing in me because of the perspective God is teaching me to have, and that’s why He has led me into all the things that I’ve been studying.”
Ant was following what I was saying the best he could, but I could tell by the blank stare on his face that I wasn’t expressing myself very clearly or that he was taken aback by

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