Page 15 - The Ant Story
P. 15

my sudden outburst of excitement.
“Well, I’m very pleased that you have gained this
perspensive. You seem very excited about it. I just wish I could understand half of what you are talking about!”
“Perspective, Ant, not perspensive. And I’ve got you to thank for helping me gain this insight!”
“Well, I’m glad that I have been of some help to you. Now, there is one word that I’m quite sure that I can say correctly, and that word is ‘home’. If it’s all the same to you, I would very much like to return to my home—if you know how to turn this balloon around.”
No sooner had Ant said ‘around’ and the balloon was quickly descending towards the earth. Down, down, down we went, through the earth’s atmosphere and rushing towards the quickly expanding surface of the earth. In no time, at all we could begin to see rivers and fields and highways. The balloon slowed in its descent as I saw the park come into view beneath us. Moments later the basket gently touched down on the grass.
The Ant Story

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