Page 16 - Magazine.cdr
P. 16
Safety in any workplace is important for those who install and service electrical systems. No matter
how much one tries to safeguard people or how much training is provided, the ultimate responsibility
lies with people/human factor at the workplace. Data collected in many studies show that more than 60
% fires are of electrical origin on account of electrical short circuit, overloading, overheating, use of
nonstandard appliances, illegal tapping of electrical wires, improper wiring, carelessness, and
ignorance etc.
ignorance etc.
Current transformers 14.5%
Oil-insulated circuit breakers 14.5%
Power transformers 9.40%
Hot work procedures 9.30%
Miscellaneous fires -electrical 8.30%
Potential transformers 7.80%
Miscellaneous fires -others 7.50%
Engine driven generators 7.00%
Arson 6.30%
Smoking 6.00%
Lightning 4.70%
Flammable liquid storage 3.10%
Terrorism 1.60%
The electrical fires can happen because of many reasons but most of them are due to lack of
understanding of electrical system and taking this unseen energy for granted. Below given are some of
the common causes of electrical accidents and fire:
· Assuming low voltages to be safe
· Use of wrong/undersized wires and cables& switches
· Using any metallic structures as earth/neutral. Improper protection devices (HRC
Fuses/Relays etc)
· Use of old & damaged tools/appliances with poor insulation. Improper physical protection
of panels
· Dropping tools to live bus bars accidentally while working. Repairing electrical equipment
with power on
· Improper positioning of scaffold/crane boom touching live overhead lines.
· Mismatched plug sockets and with multiple twisted joints. Insulation damage/failure due
to dragging of metallic objects over cables.