Page 11 - Library Collections and Services Available to Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology Management Program.
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Appendix 4: Library Collection Development Policy
Purposes of the Collection Development Policy:
The purposes of the collection development policies are twofold. They help library staff meet collection goals as
they relate to the library’s missions and objectives, and they provide library users with information on the
library’s collection priorities.
This policy will:
• serve to communicate collection objectives clearly and concisely to library staff and users and contribute
to operational efficiency in terms of routine decisions.
• provide information for how funds should be allocated.
• pProvide guidance for the efficient and effective selection, acquisition, and dissemination of scholarly
This policy should be reviewed routinely within a period not exceeding five years and be revised as necessary.
Library Collection Priorities:
Library selection decisions will be based on the following priorities which are listed in order of importance.
1. Curriculum Support: The highest priority will be given to library materials specifically supporting
current undergraduate and graduate coursework. Faculty will send requests for these titles to the
appropriate subject librarian and may also place many on reserve.
2. Standard Resources: Standard or "core" monographic and serial titles, including basic reference tools,
should be available in the library for all subjects taught or studied at the university.
3. Faculty Research: Specialized materials related to, and needed for, current faculty research projects.
4. Graduate Student Research: Specialized materials needed for prolonged or intensive use by graduate
students working on theses or dissertations.
5. Subject Support: Specialized publications reflecting broad trends in current scholarship for all subjects
currently taught or studied at the university.
6. Support of Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Publications which support innovation or
entrepreneurship by students or faculty.
Because the language of instruction is English, English collections take priority with other foreign languages
selected as appropriate to various disciplines.
The preferred format for books, journals, and data sets is electronic with access via IP authentication. A few
important print titles of books and journals may be purchased as required. Preference is given to publications
issued within the last three years. Older materials may be purchased in support of new programs, or at the
specific request of faculty members.
Material types are considered for purchase with general priorities as follows:
1. Journals: Scholarly titles including technical and trade journals, annual reviews, “advances in…”series,
proceedings, scientific and/or technical reports and research bulletins of major academies, learned
societies, professional research and educational organizations and government agencies are generally of
highest priority.
2. Books: Major scholarly books and professional and technical titles are the highest priority, followed by
popular titles, technical reports, proceedings, biographies, subject histories, and government reports.