Page 9 - Library Collections and Services Available to Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology Management Program.
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Appendix 2: Library and Learning Resouces Committee’s Terms of Reference
Frame of Reference:
The Library Resource Planning Committee (LRPC) is a standing committee of the University Council. The
Committee shall evaluate the library’s needs as they relate to the academic programs and shall advise the Director,
Library and Learning Resources on matters including general library policy and the development of library
resources. It shall also act as a liaison body between the Faculty and the Director, Library and Learning
Resources. The Committee has a mandate to fulfill the following duties:
• Provide reports to Faculty Council regarding library matters of significance.
• Provide information to and receive feedback from students and faculty (both part-time and full-time).
• Provide advice and suggestions to the Director, Library and Learning Resources regarding day-to-day
• Provide preliminary review of recommendations from the Director, Library and Learning Resources
which require approval of University Council, Provost, Vice Provost, or the President.
• Develop proposals and recommendations for policies and actions which require approval of University
Council and/or the President.
• Review and evaluate collection development policies.
• Review the procedural manual for the library.
The Committee shall include the Director, Library and Learning Resources and representation from faculty, staff,
and students.
The Committee is composed of the following members:
• Director, Library and Learning Resources, Chair
• Representation (one each) from 4 academic units, CBM, CECS, CHS, FAS
• Representation (two) from Student Council
• Ex-Officio member from library
Membership: Tony Tin (Chair, Library), Professor Chien (CHS), Professor Quynh (CECS), Mr. Thinh (FAS),
Ms.Van (CBM), Le Minh Thi (Student rep), Nguyen Le Quynh Giang (Student rep), Ms. Hao (Ex-officio,