Page 10 - Library Collections and Services Available to Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology Management Program.
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            Appendix 3: Library Strategic Plan AY 21-22

                PILLARS AND KEY ACTIVITIES                      PIC          Key Outcomes    Timeline   (USD)    Budget

             I  RESEARCH                                        VP for Research
                Set up core research infrastructure  and upgrade current research
             I.2   infrastructure
                Purchase engineering, health sciences and social sciences research
                datasets                                        Tony Tin   20 databases  ongoing  191,836 4,508,136,458

             I.5 Implement activities for publishing papers, books, publications, etc.  Deans
                                                                           Quarterly report

                ORCID/Google Scholar setup, citation and bibliometric analysis   Tony Tin    regarding VinUni   August 21    17,055 400,789,889
                                                                           Scholarly output
                /Subscribe database for research analytics: Scopus


             II  EDUCATION                                      Deans
                Review and update the previous master for classrooms and teaching
            II.1.5   and learning spaces for the future
                Upgrade library leaning spaces                  Tony        20 group       June 22    47,813 1,123,600,000

                                                                           discussion rooms

                                                                Hoang Viet
            II.3 Promote innovativeness in teaching and learning

                 Acquire, catalog and disseminate library resources and services (books,  Tony Tin    800 ebooks and   ongoing    124,610 2,928,346.333
                 etc.) on teaching and learning
                                                                           print books

                 Recruit a e-resources librarian                HR                      July, 2021     HR budget

             IV CULTURE                                         President
                Set up a center for Vietnamese Studies and Global Relations (to
                 promote core value of Vietnam in a global context )
                Build a unique collection to support Vietnamese and Global Development   A collection of 150
                Studies                                         Tony Tin/FAS   items     June 22  15,000. 352,000,000
                Organize and promote VinUni's signature events/solutions  to
            IV.3   promote VinUni core value of EXCEL
                Organize a series of special events and activities to promote reading      2 events are      638.30

                culture and engage the learning community as guided by the MOET    Tony Tin  organized     22-Jun    15,000,000

                TOTAL                                                                            397,000 9,328,373,000
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13