Page 5 - Library Collections and Services Available to Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology Management Program.
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The university has gradually invested in the library to support teaching, learning and research.The AY
2021-22 libray budget showed a modest increase of 35% in comparison to previous year budget. The
average spending on library resource is 700 USD/per student as opposed to 630 USD/per student in
most American universities (Association of Research Libraries statistic).
The library has embraced the “evidence-based acquisition” (EA) model, streamlining the acquisition
process and presenting many more titles to the students and faculty for potential use. The library is
purchasing only what is needed based on the actual use data, allowing the library to spend the same
amount of money as it previously spent or less on resources, but with a higher rate of use. EA model
focuses on evidence-based, access, information quality, and currency rather than collecting a large
number of books.
The Library develops specialized services to respond to interest expressed by faculty, members of the
learning community, In consultation with CECS staff and faculty, the Librarian has created online library
guides such as ACM Digital Library ( to support research database
use. Online research guides (h in other related areas are also easily
accessible. Students are encouraged to seek individual research assistance when necessary either in
person, by phone, through online chat, or by email. The librarian is available to provide in-class
research skills workshops, one-to-one research mentorship when requested, and Ask a Librarian
Service in online courses through Canvas. The librarian has also created the mobile academic integrity
modules ( to facilitate anytime, anywhere mobile academic
integrity training. Library video tutorials are easily accessible online
( The library is also responsible for operating an
electronic course reserve system to support online learning, including CECS programs.
The library provides full access to all resources, with faculty borrowing privileges, to sessional
instructors and teaching assistants attached to the CS programs. The librarian provides information to
the sessional instructors and teaching assistant regarding library resources and their library privileges
and meets with them briefly each year when they come for library orientation.
The library has planned to establish VinSpace, an institutional repository to support open access and
scholarly communication. CECS faculty and staff can self-submit, archive, and disseminate their
research data and publications through the institutional repository.
In summary, the VinUnivresity Library provides a high level of collection and service support to the
CECS programs. Additional growth is forseen in the instruction and research support areas. For
example, the CECS program would benefit from the acquisition of more research databases such as
Web of Science and ACM books to support the program delivery. Finally, the Library has an active,
outreach information literacy program. Ideally the CECS faculty will continue to work with the Librarian
to enhance the online research guide to provide students with points of need assistance with the