Page 20 - Library Collections and Services Available to the College of Business and Management Program.
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                                staff just perform general possible in-house repairs on
                                physical items within 05 working days upon receiving
                                them from circulation staff.

                            -  All physical materials withdrawn from the collection
                                should be stamped as "discarded" or "withdrawn”.
                            -  Criteria for weeding includes, but are not limited to, the
                                +  Infrequent use, defined as having fewer than 01
                                   circulation in the past 05 years.
                                +  Significant duplication across media types where it is
             Weeding of
             the physical          determined that the content is not adequately
             resources             rendered in all media duplications,
                                +  Older materials or older editions of textbooks that
                                   contain erroneous or misleading information.          As custodians of the
                                +  Materials in outdated formats, for example VHS,       collection,
                                   physical condition.                                   circulation/shelving
                                +  Items that are badly mutilated or deteriorated will be   library staff are
                                   replaced, if possible.                                responsible for material
                            -  The process of weeding will be consistent with VinUni’s   weeding.
                                Asset Management Process
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