Page 102 - Career Development Guidebook
P. 102

                    APPLIANCE & EE MANUFACTURING


                          Serve people worldwide with the “joy of expanding their life’s potential”

          1. INTRODUCTION                                          College majors: Finance, Marketing, Business
                                                                   Analytics, Operation and Supply Chain,
          Ranking: #4 World's Largest Tech Companies               Electrical Engineering, Mechanical
          Honda  Motor  Co.,  Ltd.  is  a  major  player  in  the  Engineering, Computer Science.
          automotive industry, involved in the production
          and distribution of cars, motorcycles, and power     5. PROGRAM
          equipment.  By  2023,  Honda  operates  in
          approximately  14  countries,  employs  over             Honda  Vietnam  Future  Associate  Program:
          200,000 individuals, and holds the 61st position         This  is  for  graduating  students  from  all
                                                                   majors to work across 15 departments in the
          in Fortune's Global 500.
                                                                   fields  of  Supply  Chain,  Sales,  Admin,
                                                                   Customer       Service,    Logistics,    and
          2. OUTSTANDING FACTS                                     Manufacturing.
          Worldwide  unit  sales  for  the  fiscal  year  ended    Honda E-learning Platform (for employees):
          March 31, 2022:                                          TalentLMS  -  Cloud  based,  Lean  Learning
              Sold 3.68 million units of Automobiles.              Platform with an Emphasis on Usability and
              Sold 18.75 million units of Motorcycles.             Easy Course Creation.
              Sold 5.63 million units of Power Products.
              Achieved  global  total  units  of  28.08  million  For  more  information  about  open  internship
                                                               positions, visit Honda Vietnam Careers.

          3. GUIDING VALUES                                    6. REFERENCES
                    “Initiative, Equality, Trust”              Honda Philosophy | Brand | About Honda |
                                                               Honda Global. (n.d.). Honda Motor Co.,Ltd. Link
          Honda's  culture  is  guided  by  Fundamental
                                                               Corporate Profile | About Honda | Honda Global
          Beliefs-Respect  for  the  Individual,  Initiative,
          Equality, and Trust. Initiative promotes creativity,  Corporate Website. (n.d.). Honda Global. Link
          Equality ensures fair treatment, and Trust forms
          the  bedrock  of  relationships  among  Honda
          associates (Honda Philosophy | Honda Global).


              Potential candidate’s characteristics:
              Ambition, Innovation, Passion, Harmony,
              Value-minded (Honda Philosophy | Honda

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