Page 106 - Career Development Guidebook
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                    APPLIANCE & EE MANUFACTURING

                              Samsung Electronics

                Inspire the world with our innovative technologies, products and designs that enrich people’s
                             lives and contribute to social prosperity by creating a new future..

          1. INTRODUCTION                                          Technology, Innovation, Customer
                                                                   satisfaction (The Secrets Behind Samsung
          Ranking: #4 World's Largest Tech Companies               Recruitment Process).

          Samsung  Electronics,  a  leader  in  innovation,        College majors: Finance, Marketing, Business
          operates through the DX (Device Experience) and          Analytics, Operation and Supply Chain,
          DS (Device Solutions) divisions. DX includes visual      Electrical Engineering, Mechanical
          display,  digital  appliances,  mobile  experience,      Engineering, Computer Science.
          networks, and health and medical equipment. DS
          comprises  memory,  system  LSI,  and  foundry.      5. PROGRAM
          With  250,000+  employees  in  2023,  Samsung
          ranks  1st  in  the  VNR500  and  18th  in  Fortune’s    Samsung  Fresh  Staff:  Annual  program  in
          Global 500.                                              Vietnam  for  university  seniors  and  recent
                                                                   graduates in all majors, held twice a year.
          2. OUTSTANDING FACTS                                     Samsung  Fresh  Graduate  Program:  Recent
                                                                   graduates  with  a  growth  mindset  and
              No.  1  World’s  Best  Employers  for  four          passion  to  start  their  career  in  the
              consecutive years.                                   technology industry.
              Top  Five  Best  Global  Brands  for  the  Fourth
                                                                   Samsung  Electronics  Employee  Relations
              Consecutive Year.
              46  CES  2023  Innovation  Awards  from  the         Development  (for  employees):  A  training
              Consumer Technology Association.                     program  organized  to  help  employees
              50  Awards  at  the  International  Design           develop soft-skill competencies.
              Excellence Awards 2023.                          For  more  information  about  open  internship
              80 wins at the iF Design Awards 2023.            positions  and  campus  recruitment  events,  visit
                                                               Samsung Vietnam Career.
          3. GUIDING VALUES
                                                               6. REFERENCES
                   “People, Excellence, Change,
                      Integrity, Co-prosperity”                The Secrets Behind Samsung Recruitment

          Samsung  integrates  human  resources  and           Process. (n.d.). Link
          technologies  for  excellence,  aiming  to  lead     Awards and Recognition | Sustainability |
          globally  with  top-notch  products  and  services.  Samsung Electronics. (n.d.).
          Committed    to    societal   contribution   and     Sustainability | Samsung
          community engagement, we actively pursue our         Electronics. Link
          mission  for  a  positive  impact  and  improved
          quality of life.


              Potential candidate’s characteristics:

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