Page 105 - Career Development Guidebook
P. 105

                    APPLIANCE & EE MANUFACTURING

                      Panasonic Vietnam Group

                           To achieve “an ideal society with affluence both in matter and mind.”

          1. INTRODUCTION                                          College majors: Electrical Engineering,
                                                                   Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science.
          Ranking: #1 Global Home Appliance Revenue
          A  part  of  the  Japanese  Panasonic  Holdings,     5. PROGRAM
          Panasonic  Vietnam  Co.,Ltd  is  the  first  100%
          foreign invested company to assume the role of           Traditional  Openings:  Panasonic  Vietnam
          the  country’s  headquarter  in  Vietnam.  It  is        opens  positions  for  departments  in  which
          among  the  largest  major  manufacturers  of            there  are  vacancies.  The  process  is  not
          electric  appliances  and  consumer  electronics         periodical.
          products in Asia, currently employing over 8,000         Your  Panasonic  Citizenship:  A  Panasonic's
          people in Vietnam.                                       standardized employee growth process.

                                                                   Panasonic  Scholarship:  Higher  education
          2. OUTSTANDING FACTS                                     program  eligible  for  undergraduate  college
                                                                   students  across  Vietnam  with  academic
              Interbrand Best Global Brands (2019).
              Certified Great Place to Work® (2022-2023).          excellence or financial needs.
              Top 50 Employers STEM Workforce Diversity        Further  information  can  be  found  on  the
              Magazine (2019).                                 Facebook  Page  or  Website  Panasonic  Vietnam
          3. GUIDING VALUES
                                                               6. REFERENCES
          “Contribution  to  Society,  Fairness  &  Honesty,
          Cooperation  &  Team  Spirit,  Untiring  Effort  &   Awards. (n.d.). Panasonic USA Careers. Link
          Improvement,      Courtesy      &      Humility,
                                                               Assess the personality and attitude of candidates
          Adaptability, Gratitude”
                                                               to find the best fit - Testlify. (2023, August 24).
          By aligning our business with these seven ideals,    Testlify. Link
          Panasonic  positions  itself  toward  a  prosperous
          and innovative future as a leader in tech.


              Potential    candidate’s     characteristics:
              Leadership skills, Reliability, Growth mindset,
              Resilience,  Team  players,  Strong  work  ethic
              (Assess  the  Personality  and  Attitude  of
              Candidates  to  Find  the  Best  Fit  -  Testlify,

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