Page 11 - Tradd Management Proposal
P. 11
Management Proposal for The Park at Long Bay
Tailored Association Portal
Tradd Management offers customized association portals designed to meet the unique needs of your
property. Our portals provide a comprehensive suite of features, including:
Association Branding: Personalize your portal with your association logo or image, creating a
distinct identity for your community.
Emergency Procedures: Access emergency contact information and procedures, ensuring
residents are prepared for any situation.
Multiple Directories: Easily locate owners, vendors, and community resources through
organized directories.
Board Meeting Information: Stay informed with timely updates and postings of Board of
Director's meeting information.
Financial Transparency: Access financial statements for complete transparency and
Calendar of Events: Keep track of upcoming events and activities with an interactive calendar.
Association Guidelines: Access property details and guidelines to promote harmony and
compliance within the property.
Document Management: Store association documents securely, with options for both public
and password-protected access.
Work Order Management: Submit and track service requests, ensuring efficient follow-up and
resolution of maintenance issues.
Association Communication: Publish newsletters, send email blasts, and attach PDF files to keep
owners informed and engaged.
Mass Text Messaging: Engage owners instantly with the ability to send mass text messages for
urgent announcements or association updates.
Our tailored portals empower associations to effectively manage their property, foster communication,
and enhance owner satisfaction.
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W W W . T R A D D M A N A G E M E N T . C O M