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the Cambrian School
th e C mb ri an S ch oo l
The Cambrian PosT
the Cambrian School, Saadatganj, Ayodhya
APRIL 2022 to JUNE 2022 Newsletter
APRIL 2022 to JUNE 2022
M orning is the perfect time to revive the
learning, take in inspiration and begin
your day with positivity. As the students
walk into the school campus the fi rst activity
From Director’s Desk that kick starts the day are the Special Morning
Two decades ago, I start-
ed my first step towards ful- In the serene hours of the morning, the students
filling a dream. A dream that are made to assemble on the ground and pray
was planted like a seed and to the Lord for their guidance and wisdom. The
stand today like a shady trees.
Under its boughs I see, Chil- prayer is followed by thought of the day, word of
dren blossoming, smiling and the day, News, skits, displays of slogans, impor-
growing. Hundreds of Cambri- tance of special days, speech, songs and National
anites have passed through its
portals and the corridors re- Anthem. Many special assemblies were conduct-
verberate with sounds of hap- ed in these months like, Ramnavmi, Ambedkar
py memories and buzz of the Jayanti, Mahavir Jayanti, Vishu, Good Friday, Bai-
coming generation.
It is indeed and honour to me sakhi, World Heritage Day, National Civil Service
to pen this message for school Day, Earth Day, Unity in Diversity, True meaning
first magazine. I would like to of Feminism, Labour Day, Eid ul fi tra, Mother’s
congratulate our Principal Dr.
Jayant Chowdhuri and our co- Day and Rabindra Nath Tagore Jayanti.
ordinators Ms. Priyanka Satija
& Ms. Farhat Fatima for bring- Very often the assembly is addressed by the Prin-
ing the magazine to fruition. cipal Sir, Vice Principal ma’am and the co-ordina-
Over the years the Cambri- tors. All of the activities conducted in the Special
an has provided its students
the opportunities to explore morning Assemblies contribute to increasing the
and grow, to identify their energy of the students preparing them for the
strengths and overcome their day with enthusiasm and making them stay con-
weaknesses. The words of nected to the moral values.
great scientist, Albert Einstein
resonate well with the thought
that motivate us, “I don’t teach
my children I create conditions
for them to learn”.
Much has been done in last
two decades and still more
needs to be done in the com-
ing years. As we celebrate our
20th year May God be our in-
spiration and give us strength
to be true to our motto- TO
not to yield.
Simu Ghai
Founder Director
The Cambrian School