Page 3 - The Cambrian School Newsletter 2022. Ist Issue.indd
P. 3
the Cambrian School
Handwriting Workshop
H andwriting activates the brain
more than keyboarding because
it involves more complex motor
and cognitive skills. Many standardised
assessments are based on written work,
particularly in time-limited written
examinations. Without fast and legible handwriting,
students miss out on learning opportunities, under-
From Vic-Principal’s Desk achieve and may fall behind. Keeping this in mind, our
“If your plan is for one year, plant rice; If your School provided an opportunity to the students of
plan is for ten years, plant trees; If your plan is for classes IV to VI to attend a handwriting workshop on
a hundred years, Educate children..” 23 April 2022.
It was a one-hour online workshop that started at 11
am. It aimed at enabling the children to write with
Our former President, Hon’ble Dr APJ Abdul
Kalam has said in the introduction of his book clarity and speed. The trainer started the workshop by
“The Wings of Fire”, ” We are all born with a enumerating the importance of good handwriting. As a
divine fire in us. Our efforts should be to give warm up exercise, the children were given fi ve minutes
wings to this fi re and fill the world with a glow to replicate text printed on the activity sheet in their
of its goodness”. We believe that ‘individuals’ own handwriting. Some children were quick to fi nish
are the atoms that hold tremendous power in 2 minutes, others took 3-5 minutes and some longer.
within to serve as agents of change and thus The ones who finished writing in less than two minutes
are confident that our students, enriched with a and neatly, received appreciation as a ‘Fast Writers’
sense of high morality and social responsibility card from the trainers. The children were then given
will be makers of a virtuous society. In a world a practice session on stroke formation for letters ‘c’
of stiff competition, strife and unrealistic and ‘d’, using three zones- the upper, middle and lower
aspirations, it calls for sensitivity on our part zones, using the cursive style of handwriting.
as educators to help children understand that
predicament is common to everyone. Problems Body posture and the surface used for writing plays
and challenges need to be faced courageously an important role in determining the neatness and
with conviction in our principles and confi dence speed of handwriting. For example, a left-handed child
in our inner strength and dreams. I foresee a should keep the arm and sheet in a slanting position
better future of the children in this institution for better results. The grip of the pen is also important
and with the cooperation of the parents along to determine the speed with which you write. Children
with the parents we can take our students to a were shown how to use the thumb and index fi nger
great new height. I wish all the best to our staff to hold the pen and use the middle finger only to
and children. Let us make the difference in the support it.
The session approached its end by a demo of simple
exercises for the fingers and hand to strengthen the
muscles to help improve speed.
Inter-House English Handwriting Competition
A n Inter-house Competition
was organised to encourage
students to improve their handwriting
skills. The response of the students
was very encouraging. Majority of
the students had put their best foot
forward to enhance their handwriting