Page 2 - The Cambrian School Newsletter 2022. Ist Issue.indd
P. 2

the Cambrian School

                                                                       Yoga In Morning Assembly

                                                                               Y     oga is very benefi cial  to
                                                                                     relaxation of mind, enhance
                                                                               i intelligence and cognitive abilities,
                                                                               and it elevates thought processes.
                                                                               Yoga is an excellent tool to enhance
                                                                memory and analytical skills. That is the reason
                  From Principal’s Desk                         Yoga has been made a compulsory activity in The
       “Education is a shared commitment between dedicat-       Cambrian School. Yoga is being encouraged to

       ed teachers,motivated students and enthusiastic par-     increase the efficiency of students. So, let’s take
       ents with high expectations.”                            up yoga as a part of our routine and enjoy sound
                                          -Bob Beauprez         mental and physical health.

       The first step into school is that giant step forward,
       where children embark on the great adventure of dis-
       covering the wide world outside and the depth of the
       world within. At The Cambrian School our endeavour
       is to provide suffi  cient opportunities to each student
       to understand and discover themselves and to face
       and overcome challenges presented to them to make
       school life fulfilling and complete. We take pride in

       helping them grow and develop into sensitive and re-
       sponsible well-rounded personalities of the next gen-
       The thinking of students will get changed only when
       they will start thinking for the betterment of the soci-
       ety, country and world at large. Education is not just
       a process of giving knowledge for a future job but a
       lifelong process which creates an understanding of
       moral and ethical values to guide one’s life in a right
       path. Education needs to be more of practical and
       skill based so that employable education is imparted
       to our students which will help in the development
       of our nation. On the whole education means holis-
       tic development of a child not only restricted to the
       achievements of academics but also helping the child
       to come up with those inherited knowledge to build a
       better tomorrow; with a disciplined way of life.


                              Career Counselling Workshop

          t has rightly been said that the guidance of the  Economics, IIM A. He has also been featured in BBC,
          parents as well as the teachers can perfectly  CNN, New York Times. He is Guinness Winner too.
       Isupport a child in the most crucial life changing
                                                             He apprised the parents and the students about
        years of school. It is then imperative that these two

                                                             various courses available in different streams. He
        pillars meet and understand what’s best for their    guided the students to find out about their own

        wards. In pursuit of the same, a Career Counselling
                                                             USP. The Vice Principal, Ms Kausar enumerated
        Workshop was organised by The Cambrian               the role of parents in deciding a right career path
        School, Saadatganj Ayodhya on 18 April 2022 for
                                                             for their children that is in tune with their skills and
        the students and parents of Classes VI to XII. The
                                                             job experiences.  The workshop concluded with
        workshop was conducted by Mr Rahul Easwar, .
                                                             the question and answer session.
        Philosophy Author, Alumnus - London School of
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