Page 72 - Hudson City Schools CAFR 2017
P. 72

                                                  SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                        NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                         FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2017

               NOTE 3 - DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS - (Continued)

                       D.  Reconciliation of Cash and Investments to the Statement of Net Position

                          The following is a reconciliation of cash and investments as reported in the note above to cash and
                          investments as reported on the statement of net position as of June 30, 2017:

                                    Cash and investments per note
                                      Carrying amount of deposits               $       28,708,639
                                      Investments                                          8,822,211
                                      Cash on hand                                                1,300

                                        Total                                   $       37,532,150

                                    Cash and investments per statement of net position
                                      Governmental activities                   $       35,920,778
                                      Business type activities                             1,291,388
                                      Private-purpose trust funds                                 2,650
                                      Agency funds                                            317,334
                                        Total                                   $       37,532,150


                       A.  Interfund  balances at June  30, 2017, as reported  on the fund statements consist of the following
                          amounts due to/from other funds:

                           Receivable fund                  Payable fund                              Amount
                           General fund                     Nonmajor governmental funds            $     112,886

                          The primary purpose of the due to/from other funds is to cover negative cash in various nonmajor
                          governmental funds.  The interfund balances will be repaid once the anticipated revenues are received,
                          which is expected to be within one year.

                          Interfund  balances  between governmental funds are  eliminated on  the government-wide  financial
                          statements; therefore,  no internal  balances at June  30,  2017 are reported  on the statement of  net

                       B.  Interfund transfers for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2017, consisted of the following, as reported on
                          the fund statements:

                           Transfers from:                Transfer to:                                Amount
                           General fund                   Nonmajor governmental funds              $    561,000
                           Nonmajor governmental funds    Nonmajor governmental funds                 1,235,000

                          Transfers are used to move revenues from the fund that statute or budget required to collect them to the
                          fund that statute or budget requires to expend them and to use unrestricted revenues collected in the
                          general fund to finance various programs accounted for in other funds in accordance with budgetary

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