Page 77 - Hudson City Schools CAFR 2017
P. 77

                                                  SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                        NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                         FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2017

               NOTE 8 - LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS - (Continued)

                          The issuance  proceeds of  $18,725,000  were used to  purchase  securities which were placed in an
                          irrevocable trust to provide resources for all future debt service payments on the refunded debt.  This
                          refunded  debt in considered defeased (in  substance) and accordingly  has  been removed  from the
                          statement of net position.  At June 30, 2017, $18,030,000 of this debt was outstanding.

                          Energy Conservation Bonds

                          The energy conservation bonds were issued during fiscal year 2010 in the amount of $2,440,000.  The
                          proceeds were used to finance improvements throughout the District for the purpose of reducing future
                          energy costs.  These improvements are not capital in nature and were not added to the District’s capital
                          assets; therefore, the bonds  are  not  included in the  District’s  net investment in capital assets.   The
                          bonds bear an interest rate ranging from 2.00% to 4.00% and mature on December 1, 2021.  Debt
                          payments are  made from the general fund  from the savings  on energy costs  resulting  from the

                          Qualified School Construction Bonds

                          The qualified school construction  bonds  were issued  during  fiscal year  2010 in the amount  of
                          $2,274,257.  The proceeds were used to finance various energy improvements throughout the District.
                          The bonds bear an interest rate of 1.69%.  Payments on the bonds, which mature on September 15,
                          2024, are made from the general fund.

                       B.  Principal and interest requirements to retire the general obligation bonds outstanding at June 30, 2017,
                          are as follows:

                             Fiscal Year       Energy Conservation Bonds        Qualified School Construction Bonds
                           Ending June 30,    Principal        Interest           Total           Principal        Interest          Total
                                2018      $      200,000  $        38,325  $      238,325  $      150,000  $        20,449  $      170,449
                                2019              215,000            31,363          246,363          155,000            17,872          172,872
                                2020              220,000            23,200          243,200          155,000            15,252          170,252
                                2021              230,000            14,200          244,200          160,000            12,591          172,591
                                2022              240,000              4,800          244,800          160,000              9,887          169,887
                             2023 - 2025                     -                     -                     -         505,000           12,886          517,886
                               Total      $  1,105,000  $     111,888  $  1,216,888  $  1,285,000  $       88,937  $   1,373,937

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