Page 75 - Hudson City Schools CAFR 2017
P. 75

                                                  SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                        NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                         FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2017

               NOTE 7 - CAPITAL ASSETS

                       Capital assets activity for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2017 was as follows:

                                                                Balance                                 Balance
                                                                   07/01/16     Additions    Deductions      06/30/17
                       Governmental activities:
                       Capital assets, not being depreciated:
                         Land                                 $     1,032,204  $                    -  $                    -  $     1,032,204
                       Total capital assets, not being depreciated         1,032,204                        -                        -          1,032,204

                       Capital assets, being depreciated:
                         Land improvements                            6,487,120               76,200                         -          6,563,320
                         Buildings and improvements                 76,969,876          1,768,908                         -        78,738,784
                         Furniture and equipment                    13,381,306             199,677                         -        13,580,983
                         Vehicles                                     5,194,535             387,090           (174,571)         5,407,054
                         Computer software                             390,819                       -                        -           390,819

                       Total capital assets, being depreciated     102,423,656         2,431,875           (174,571)     104,680,960
                       Less: accumulated depreciation
                         Land improvements                          (1,918,344)          (162,381)                        -        (2,080,725)
                         Buildings and improvements               (30,371,255)       (1,471,032)                        -      (31,842,287)
                         Furniture and equipment                    (9,903,158)          (486,382)                        -      (10,389,540)
                         Vehicles                                   (3,914,228)          (218,846)            157,112        (3,975,962)
                         Computer software                            (359,156)             (6,418)                       -          (365,574)
                       Total accumulated depreciation            (46,466,141)      (2,345,059)           157,112     (48,654,088)
                       Governmental activities capital assets, net  $   56,989,719  $          86,816  $         (17,459) $    57,059,076

                       Depreciation expense was charged to governmental functions as follows:

                         Regular                                             $      1,502,637
                         Special                                                          53,747
                         Vocational                                                       20,942
                       Support services:
                         Pupil                                                            19,172
                         Instructional staff                                              61,914
                         Administration                                                   35,708
                         Operations and maintenance                                     108,253
                         Pupil transportation                                           200,385
                         Central                                                            6,418
                       Extracurricular activities                                       305,481
                       Food service operations                                            30,402
                       Total depreciation expense                            $      2,345,059

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