Page 78 - Hudson City Schools CAFR 2017
P. 78

                                                  SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                        NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                         FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2017

               NOTE 8 - LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS - (Continued)

                       C.  Principal and  interest  requirements to retire the certificates  of participation  outstanding at June  30,
                          2017, are as follows:

                             Fiscal Year                Certificates of Participation
                           Ending June 30,     Principal        Interest           Total

                                2018      $          640,000  $          583,214  $       1,223,214
                                2019                  665,000              568,814           1,233,814
                                2020                  690,000              552,189           1,242,189
                                2021                  715,000              535,801           1,250,801
                                2022                  745,000              517,033           1,262,033
                             2023 - 2027           4,340,000           2,152,665           6,492,665
                             2028 - 2032           5,650,000           1,227,206           6,877,206
                             2033 - 2034          2,720,000             164,600           2,884,600
                                Total     $    16,165,000  $      6,301,522  $     22,466,522

                       D.  Legal Debt Margin

                          The Ohio Revised Code  provides that voted  net  general obligation  debt  of the District shall  never
                          exceed  9%  of the total assessed  valuation of the District.  The code  further  provides that unvoted
                          indebtedness shall not exceed 1/10 of  1% of the  property valuation  of the District.  The code
                          additionally states that unvoted indebtedness related to energy conservation debt shall not exceed 9/10
                          of 1%  of the  property  valuation  of the  District.  The assessed valuation  used in determining the
                          District’s legal debt margin has been modified by House Bill 530 which became effective March 30,
                          2006.   In accordance  with  House Bill 530, the assessed valuation used  in  the District’s  legal debt
                          margin calculation excluded tangible personal property used in business, telephone or telegraph
                          property, interexchange telecommunications company property and personal property owned or leased
                          by a railroad company and used in railroad operations.  The effects of these debt limitations at June 30,
                          2017, are a voted debt margin of $67,594,816 and an unvoted debt margin of $957,220.


                       In prior years, the District entered into lease agreements to acquire copiers and copier equipment.  Capital
                       assets consisting of equipment have been capitalized in the amount of $918,391.  Accumulated depreciation
                       as of June 30, 2017 was $596,955, leaving a current book value of $321,436.  Lease payments have been
                       reclassified and are reflected as debt service expenditures in the financial statements for the governmental
                       funds.  Principal and interest payments of $184,911 and $30,801, respectively, were paid from the general

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