Page 13 - McDowell Family Hanbook
P. 13

behavioral information and brainstorm additional interventions to help the child be
more successful. The focus of this team is intervention. However, during the
process, more information may need to be obtained to make the best educational
decision for a student.

Leader in Me Program

The Hudson City Schools are committed to providing character development
through the Leader in Me Program in Grades K-5. We believe the 7 Habits outlined
in this program will encourage and promote such qualities as respect, responsibility,
and readiness among all students. The 7 Habits are as follows: Be Proactive, Begin
with the End in Mind, Put First Things First, Think Win-Win, Seek First to
Understand, Then to be Understood, Synergize, and Sharpen the Saw. Every staff
member is committed to the goal of having all students achieve these qualities.
Consequently, there will be student leadership opportunities, activities, and
recognition integrated with the Leader in Me throughout the school year.

Lost and Found

The best guarantee of finding lost items is to have everything labeled with
students’ names (lunch boxes, jackets, hats, gloves, etc.). All items are delivered to
the Lost and Found area of the school. Periodically throughout the year, all
unclaimed items are donated to charity. Please check early and frequently when
something is missing. To avoid an item being lost or stolen, please have your child
refrain from bringing valuable property to school.

Lunch Program

Students may buy a hot lunch or bag lunch which includes milk, or may bring a lunch
and buy only the milk. Hudson Nutrition Services uses MyPaymentsPlus software.
This allows lunch lines to move more efficiently by eliminating the exchange of
money during lunch. Students use their finger to record what they are buying that
day. Parents may put money on their child’s account by either sending cash or a
check to the school made payable to Hudson City Schools Food Service. Please
include the students’ name and ID number on the check or envelope. Parents can
also make deposits online at for a small fee. The lunch
program begins the first day of school for all students. If you have any questions
about food service, please contact them at 330-653-1203. Menus can be found at

When students bring their lunch to school, we would appreciate that they be as
nutritious as possible. We discourage fast food, pop or sugary beverages. Thank
you for your cooperation regarding our efforts for a healthy mind and healthy body.

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