Page 18 - McDowell Family Hanbook
P. 18
Grade 5:
Ohio AIR Assessment in English/Language Arts which includes reading and writing:
Ohio AIR Mathematics and Science Assessment: April/May
Gifted Testing
The district also participates in nationally normed tests in grades 2, 4, and 6. The purpose
of these tests is to identify our Gifted and Talented students and to monitor our progress
as district when compared to other students across the nation. The following are the areas
tested in late January/early February for the following grades:
Grade 2: Cognitive Assessment/Cognitive Skills Index, Reading, English, and Mathematics
Grade 4: Cognitive Assessment/Cognitive Skills Index Science and Social Studies
Grade 5: Mathematics Achievement Test
Grade 6: Cognitive Assessment/Cognitive Skills Index, Reading, English, and Mathematics
There is a transportation handbook that refers to procedures, services and contact
numbers. If you do not have this handbook, please contact 330-653-3355 or the
school office.
Visitors to the Building
In keeping with our common concern about the safety of our students while at
school, we have developed a number of security measures designed to protect
students during the school day. All visitors to the building will enter through the
front entrance. All other doors are locked during the school day. According to the
Ohio Revised Code, all visitors to a school building must report immediately to the
office before going anywhere else in the building. Visitors are to enter the office
and identify themselves to the secretary. When a visitor arrives in the office, we
ask that you sign in, present photo identification, and wear a visitor’s tag that will
identify you in the building. All staff members are alerted to question anyone
without a visitor’s tag. We appreciate your patience if we ask you to return to the
office and sign in. Upon leaving the building, all visitors should return to the office
to sign out.
For safety and security reasons, please be prepared to show photo identification if
you are picking up a child from school. All students will be called to the office if
they are leaving early for the day. Please do not go to your child’s classroom.