Page 15 - McDowell Family Hanbook
P. 15
INFOhio passwords (including Discovery Portal option from the online catalog)
Parent/Guardian Classroom Visits
Parents wishing to visit the classroom to observe their children are asked to
contact the teacher in advance in order to avoid conflicts with special subjects and
other programs when children may not be in the classroom. To ensure the integrity
of the instructional program, 24-hour notice for classroom visitation is
recommended. Visitation is considered based on the welfare of our students and
staff along with maintaining the instructional program. All visitors to schools must
report to the school office when entering to receive authorization before visiting
elsewhere in the building. Since young students are easily distracted, please do not
bring other children when this type of visit is made. All visitors must sign in at the
office and get a visitor badge.
Parent Involvement
The partnership of the school, the home, and the community is vital to the success
of each of our students. We welcome the involvement of parents in our school;
opportunities exist during and outside the school day. We encourage regular, two-
way meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school
activities to ensure parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning.
We seek ways in which parents can participate in decision-making and advisory
committees to assist in the education of their child.
The VIP (Vitally Interested Persons) organization coordinates parent volunteers in
the school. These parents help with a variety of activities from assistance in the
lunchroom to assistance within the classroom. These volunteers are an important
part of the daily operation of the school. Volunteer forms can be found in the
school office.
Parents can also participate in PTO and PTA. Both organizations actively support
the school and provide support to parents whose children are of school age.
Our website will include information about other opportunities offered by the
school and by the school district for parents to join with us in conversation about
the education of our children. We value your role in making a difference in the lives
of the children of Hudson.