Page 14 - McDowell Family Hanbook
P. 14

Lunch/Recess Expectations

Specific procedures have been developed to make our time in the cafeteria and on
the playground a positive experience for all children.

During lunch, the students are expected to follow these procedures:
     Stay in your seat unless given permission to do otherwise.
     Clean up after yourself.
     Use a quiet voice to speak.

On the playground, students are expected to:
     Be prepared to go outside during snowy weather at 20 degrees or above.
         Students will need boots and snow pants in order to leave the blacktop area.
     Snowballs are not to be thrown at school.
     Only school balls or nerf balls may be used.
     Students are not to go in the parking lot.
     Demonstrate kindness and respect toward others.
     Do nothing to hurt another person physically or verbally.

Media Center Information

A complete Media Center is part of the building. A weekly library period is provided
for each child. Our focus is to promote literacy for our students through their
library experience. Introduction to literature, basic library organization and use are
developed during these classes. Technology literacy is introduced through the use
of author websites, our online catalog and use of multiple databases. Children are
permitted to borrow 2 books at a time for a two week period.

In order to maintain an adequate collection, students must cooperate to see that
materials are returned promptly and in good condition. If materials are not
returned on time, students will pay a fine of $.05 per day, after a 5-day grace
period. (Absence is excluded). If materials are damaged or lost, students will be
charged the current replacement price. Email notices will also be sent if any
materials are overdue.

The online media center is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By going to the
library web site,, students and parents may use the
online catalog to look for a book from home, and can access librarian created
pathfinders and INFOhio databases including World Book Kids and Searchasaurus.
Students must type in a User Name & Password when using INFOhio databases
from home. Pathfinders include links to guide students to online resources about
specific research topics.

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