Page 50 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2021-22
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         9  Grade:                  10  Grade:
         English 9                  English 10                    ENGLISH 9
         Honors English 9           Honors English 10             (Full year, 1 credit)
         H 2BE: Honors Biology &    Introduction to Journalistic
           Honors English             Writing-A                   This ninth grade English course is intended to serve
         Introduction to Journalistic   Introduction to Journalistic   as a transition to the senior high school curriculum,
           Writing-A                  Writing-B                   emphasizing  language  and  literature  strategies
         Introduction to Journalistic   Journalism 2 Newspaper    necessary  for  successful  experiences  not  only  in
           Writing-B                  Production                  English  courses  but  also  in  all  instructional  areas.
         Theater                    Science Fiction
         Advanced Theater           Speech                        Because  the  demands  of  written  language
                                    Senior Literature             performance increase at the high school level, this
                                    The Horror Genre              course  places  greater  emphasis  on  written  work.
                                    The Short Story               Initially  focusing  on  the  basic  strategies  of
                                    Theater                       composition as a process, the course moves into the
                                    Advanced Theater              study of short stories, novels, dramas, poetry, and
                                    Yearbook Production           nonfiction.   Vocabulary   development,     library
         11  Grade:                 12  Grade:                    orientation, and reading strategies are integral parts
         English 11                 Classics to Contemporary      of this program. Major works have included To Kill a
         AP English: Language &       Literature                  Mockingbird, Romeo and Juliet, Of Mice and Men.
           Composition (11&12)      Drama as Literature
         AP English: Literature &   Introduction to Journalistic   Fee:  Student will purchase paperbacks not to exceed
           Composition (11&12)        Writing-A                   $35.00.
         WRIT 15100: Composition    Introduction to Journalistic
           in the Liberal Arts I (CCP)   Writing-B
         Introduction to Journalistic   Journalism 1, 2 or 3      HONORS ENGLISH 9
           Writing-A                  Newspaper Production        (Full year, 1 credit)
         Introduction to Journalistic   Science Fiction
           Writing-B                Senior Literature             Honors English 9 is an advanced course designed for
         Journalism 2 Newspaper     Speech                        highly motivated students who have strong writing
           Production               The Horror Genre              skills  and  an  interest  in  an  in-depth  study  of
         Journalism 3 Newspaper     The Short Story               literature.  Special emphasis is placed on analyzing
           Production               Theater                       fiction  and  non-fiction,  as  well  as  oral
         Science Fiction            Advanced Theater              communication,  developing  writing  and  research
         Speech                     Yearbook Production           skills,  and  expanding  vocabulary.  This  course  is
         Senior Literature          AP English: Language &        preparation for Honors English 10.
         The Horror Genre             Composition (11&12)
         The Short Story            AP English: Literature &      Summer       reading      and      writing     are
         Theater                      Composition (11&12)         required.   Movement  to  a  regular  English  9  class
         Advanced Theater           WRIT 15200: Composition in    MAY NOT occur until the end of the first quarter.
         Yearbook Production          the Liberal Arts II (CCP)
                                    Service Learning              Fee:  Student will purchase paperbacks not to exceed
                                    New Dimensions                $35.00.

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