Page 53 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2021-22
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thrive in any college program. The content of the students are guided in developing their abilities at
course will focus on American literature, and the reasoned critical reflection about those ideas and
academic purposes are: to pay close attention to traditions, and students are guided through
academic writing, to analyze and discuss a relevant systematic systems of research and writing about
literature, to clearly articulate ideas in a public those ideas and traditions. Objectives include:
forum, to promote thinking and inquiry, and to Ability to read and interpret important material
equip students with research skills that permit them Ability to think critically
to investigate important questions and hypotheses. Ability to write and learn
WRIT 15100 does not merely tell students about Ability to communicate orally: students will
ideas. Rather, students are challenged to be actively speak, participate in discussion, and present
engaged in thinking their way into ideas and ideas with evidence
traditions, students are guided in developing their Ability to identify, evaluate, and use
abilities at reasoned critical reflection about those information appropriate for scholarly research
ideas and traditions, and students are guided Ability to take advantage of the curricular and
through systematic systems of research and writing co-curricular opportunities in an academic
about those ideas and traditions. Objectives include: setting
Ability to read and interpret important material
Ability to think critically SERVICE LEARNING
Ability to write and learn (Full Year, 3 credits; 1 English; 1 Social Studies; 1
Ability to communicate orally: students will Service Learning. Grade 12)
speak, participate in discussion, and present Prerequisite: application, teacher recommendation
ideas & interview
Ability to identify, evaluate, and use
information appropriate for scholarly research Service Learning is a unique course that combines
Ability to take advantage of the curricular and the disciplines of social studies and English with
co-curricular opportunities in an academic application in service to the community. Three days
setting a week, Service Learning offers students selections
from classical and contemporary literature that
WRIT 15200: COMPOSITION IN THE LIBERAL focus on the nature of humankind and society, and
the human condition. The social studies component
of Service Learning focuses largely on current
(Full year, 1 HS English credit, 4 college English affairs. General areas of study include U.S. domestic
credits, Grade 12) policy, U.S. foreign policy, global issues, social
issues, local issues (Ohio and Hudson-based), the
A seminar-based course designed to be a criminal justice system and consumer finance
comprehensive introduction to the skills needed to
(which will fulfill the state requirement for a
thrive in any college program. The content of the
consumer finance credit). The method of inquiry
course will focus on world literature, and the will focus more on project-based learning and
academic purposes are: close attention to academic
student choice. The course additionally focuses on
writing, to analyze and discuss relevant literature, to
the contemporary issues of diversity, tolerance, and
clearly articulate ideas in a public forum, to promote social justice through critical thinking, oral/written
thinking and inquiry, and to equip students with
presentations, discussions, and debates. The other
research skills that permit them to investigate two days a week students are engaged in
important questions and hypotheses. WRIT 15200 meaningful human-centered service at a community
does not merely tell students about ideas; rather,
agency. It is through this agency that students
students are challenged to be actively engaged in
receive a "hands-on" experience of what the
thinking their way into ideas and traditions,